Co-Op Mutation #198: Getting Along

Nope “Combined Supply” is 200 for him and 100 for you= total 200, … That is the difference between “Sharing is Caring” and a Normal Game.

This part is correct. Additionally, if the combined supply is above 90, you can’t get any more Outlaws, they cost 10 supply. And once it exceeds 95, you can’t respawn/re-recruit dead outlaws (except Tychus) since that requires having available supply.

In my opinion, think this a pretty easy mutation for seasoned coop players used playing with each other since there are no unit buffs.

For less seasoned players, artanis is good for the 200 and dehaka or Kerri is good. They are strong commanders where you can hero. If you buff up Kerri or dehaka, your partner can essentially have 200 supply.

Nice thing with the automatic 200 supply for Kerri is that you don’t need to produce overlords.

Yea mutation was a little bit easier than what I was expecting, rip maybe next time.

Except in the original Sharing is Caring mutator, the supply cap was the combined supply cap of both commanders. Perhaps that part was rolled into the turkey shoot mutator, which would be a mistake, but that would have made more sense here by a long shot.

Actually having the combined cap As part of the Turkey shoot makes sense because that way “Sharing is Caring” is a strict negative, wheras “Turkey shoot” is somewhat positive. (like gifts… the other holiday mutator)

Just do the brutal+ thing if you can’t be bothered dealing with polarity. U still get the weekly mutation bonus


Beat this on Hard with Karax + Kerrigan, then Brutal on Karax + Fenix.

Karax’ pylons warp in instantly, so that helps alleviate that bottleneck. I had 10 Sentinels running around with both upgrades. They were pretty tanky and lasted a good while (considering it was before that 4.1.1 patch). SoA for AA. If I needed AA, I created some towers and lured air units there, but that was the exception than the norm.

I take it this won’t count for the Mutation achievements?

But are you realizing how “negative” this is?

21 workers on the main’s minerals. 15 on a brutal expo’s minerals. 12 on vespene. That’s 47 workers. *2 for both players means that 94 supply of workers are “designed” to be on the field.

Then have a 100 supply cap commander “seeing” 94 combined supply used.

No mutator that I’m aware of “effectively invalidates” all the 100 supply commanders. Even if the commander “one bases” it, they better hope their partner either one bases it as well and definitely doesn’t steal both expos…

Exactly the same for me, except hydralisks. I went Kerrigan hero solo, so my Tychus ally had no problem using the supply.

The entire point of mutations is to force you to consider your CO pairing and pick commanders who appropriately can confront the mutation. It would be so dumb if mutations were made to make all COs equally viable every week.


Zeratul is not invalidated by Sharing is Caring; cannons + top bar + hero unit can do plenty of work especially now that the new patch reduced the cost of his cannons. Nova can do work with hero unit and top bar too.

Really only Zagara and Tychus (if played without communication with ally) are crippled by Sharing is Caring.

That was due to Turkey Shoot and not Sharing is Caring. IIRC the two mutators weren’t supposed to be used without each other, and this is the first time SIC appeared without Turkey Shoot (and second time overall).

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