Co-Op Mutation #175: And Drops and Rifts

The enemy is forcing a war of attrition as it drops forces left and right, and opens portals for their forces to charge through. They will not relent until the Moebius Hybrid is dead.

Aggressive Deployment - Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.

Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Zeratul)] Neometal (Tychus)
[CtG (Zagara)] Rizare (Fenix)
[CtG (Han and Horner)] Ancalagon (Nova)
[CtG (Vorazun)] Mazso (Stetmann)
[CtG (Kerrigan)] Espurr (Alarak)
[CtG (Swann)] Neometal (Dehaka)
[CtG (Artanis)] [Hunter (Raynor)]
[CtG (Abathur)] Iswald (Stukov)
Enemy Wave Timings
Game Time Enemy Spawn Time before next wave*
2:20 2 Void Rifts 01:25
3:45 Attack wave 00:05
3:50 2 Void Rifts 01:00
4:50 Drop wave 00:30
5:20 2 Void Rifts 01:10
6:30 Attack wave 00:20
6:50 2 Void Rifts 00:10
7:00 Drop wave 01:20
8:20 4 Void Rifts 00:50
9:10 Drop wave 00:40
9:50 4 Void Rifts 00:10
10:00 Attack wave 01:20
11:20 Drop wave, 4 Void Rifts 01:30
12:50 4 Void Rifts 00:40
13:30 Drop wave 00:36
14:06 Attack wave 00:14
14:20 4 Void Rifts 01:20
15:40 Drop wave 00:10
15:50 4 Void Rifts 01:22
17:12 Attack wave 00:08
17:20 4 Void Rifts 00:30
17:50 Drop wave 01:00
18:50 4 Void Rifts 01:10
20:00 Attack wave, Drop Wave 00:20
20:20 4 Void Rifts 01:30
21:50 4 Void Rifts 00:20
22:10 Drop wave 01:10
23:20 4 Void Rifts 00:40
24:00 Attack wave 00:20
24:20 Drop wave 00:30
24:50 4 Void Rifts 01:30
26:20 4 Void Rifts 00:10
26:30 Drop wave 00:30
27:00 Attack wave

*Time before next wave is your window to clear the current enemy spawn before the next one spawns.

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Each Void Rift has 500HP, and their spawnings are signalled by a minimap ping on each Rift.
  • The first Void Rifts spawn very close to your base, however the Rifts start to spawn further, often behind enemy lines.
  • Units that spawn from Void Rifts do not drop biomass nor essence.
  • Aggressive Deployment drops extra waves close to your army. If you have no army, it will drop in your base and possibly your mineral line.
  • Time stop delays all spawn times by 20 seconds.

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Thanks for always posting! Is the summary really "they will not relent until the Moebius Hybrid is dead "? Or until he is “released” ? or we (the commanders) must not relent? Very curious.


Friendly reminder that Phase 2 of War Chest unlocks this week. This bounty will help towards unlocking (free) skins!


The War Chest bounty should be the least of your concerns for a mutation like this…


Maybe better off 1 basing this with Vora and Kara’x or Swann. Had some issues setting up shop on expo with aggressive deployment and void units hitting you same time

long time no see Void Rifts.

#175 Mutation And Drops and Rifts play list…


Well, I guess that after the hybrid are dead they have no reason to keep charging in on us. I guess it would make a little more sense to add an “… or you are.” at the end of that sentence.


No, they would keep attacking to make sure we are extra dead.


As always, Abathur is quite good. Preferably toss tho. Mutation Week 175- And Drops and Rifts-Brutal-Abathur+Artanis - YouTube

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Managed to beat this Brutation 3 times using Zeratul/Tychus twice, and Zeratul/HannHorner once.

Zeratul and Tychus is by far the easier combo. I used Zeratul to defend the bases and destroy Void Rifts, while my Tychus ally concentrated on collecting parts.

On such a big map one feels Stukov’s bunker nerf. In the past, one could have covered most of the map with bunkers to counter rifts but now, given their higher supply (and cost), it is not even possible. #MakeStukovGreatAgain


Another hard mutation proving the desperate need to balance enemy compositions. Enemy protoss is underpowered, enemy terran is massively overpowered.

Not 2 bad, vora /karax gave vora 1 of my gas. Just expect a late late expo lol. Zerg air vs mass dts and still easily coped lol

Sounds pretty simple

Managed it with a team of Zeratul and Karax. I went around and did the legwork, while Karax secured our base and supported with calldowns. Took a few tries, but managed it pretty well. Units were mainly Stalkers with a few Arbrotars (spelling), and some detection because banshees were a thing. Didn’t bother to go for the expansion, because I’m not hot enough to take out all the rifts in a timely/efficient manner.

Did the brutation as abathur with a zagara ally. It was pretty straightforward, I mostly took care of the void rifts and my ally mostly collected parts. We were both actually all over the map, with a little bit of static defence at our bases for those stray enemy units.

Sure, BW skytoss is totally not one of the hardest comps you can get by far, and Terran bio definately isn’t the easiest comp in co-op still.

Maybe he plays Abathur and the only thing that matters is whether the enemy has bunkers or not.


Are bunkers really that bad for Abathur? Why?

As always, Han and Horner are amazing at handling Void Rifts, which are by far the biggest threat on the map.

Pair H&H with any decent offensive early game commander and this Mutation is not really difficult.