Co-op Mission Update – February 14th, 2020

Stetmann’s resource cost mastery needs to be massively improved, right now it only improves weapon and armor upgrade costs, and stetmann is heavily research-based so he needs that to be reduced as well. If it worked like Kerrigan’s Expeditious Evolutions (perhaps Revolutionary Research?) it would actually compete with Gary cooldowns


Well, there’s some life left in co-op after all.

Though these changes are nice, let’s not forget the elephant in the room - lack of new maps. It’s been over 18 months since Cradle of Death.

I’ll be very disappointed if this doesn’t include my favorite punching bag - Zagara’s Corruptors.


karax: im lacking time/resources to start up a game, can u help me out?

karrigan: i seem to be fine
blizzard: HERE IS UR BUFF

swann, han&horner: mb our units tankier also?
blizzard: NO

abathur: im winning every game with 3 brutalisks only literally

1/3 roster: i have only one effective build, lacking of alternative to play certain mutations or even maps, plz halp
blizzard: ?!?! NO

Mist Opportunities: for 3-4 years vespene bots are just wasting 30 minutes of life every time. Can we make like Heroes of the Storm map where you can push bots with ur units making them faster?
blizzard: !?!?! NO

Players: new content, sharing resources feature or atleast couple lines of code to count teamdamage and fix ruiners?
blizzard: ?!?!!? NO


Can’t decide whether that is a gross oversimplification of the problems or jumping to conclusions without knowing sufficient details.

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It will be really good if Bile Launchers get Deep Tunnel ability. I just noticed recently that Virophage model it’s using have burrow and unburrow animations (Bonus on DoN).

I’m really hope for build range increase, also maybe some kind of teleport from power field to power field anywhere on the map.


Me: yeah… I agree with you. Would be nice If Karax is just 15% expensive but 30% tankier.

Me: Broodlords are fine though I am curious how they will buff it? And Kerrigan’s Chain reaction DO NEED buff.

Me: why tankier? Just give Science Vessel to Warp like hercules and Swann is Golden.

Me: Ummmm I thought Abathur was Perfect? Why are they buffing Ravagers?

Me: Give Alarak Mothership Give Zagara Better Corruptor Give Vorazun Bulkier Void Rays.

Me: Second it.

Me: :frowning: they are too busy for that… (at least have something that needs immediate attention)

Please revert all Mengsk changes. THe moment he was created he was perfect for play, but now his mandate generation is slow, his 2 starting bunkers are gone… he can.t land that instant pressure on his foes. His troopers are fragile, and very expensive to upgrade.

All that mengsk needs is what he allready had before the last patch… It was perfect, a true art, great design of a commander.

Mengsk is the commander that needs the most buffing, and most people here want it. One of the most iconic characters in the game should be a priority and sholud have strong army and defence.

And Speaking of defence, i think its time for a terran defender commander to take the defencive upgrade for the command center . Make that command center shoot able to shoot ground units realy hard ! THank you :slight_smile:

                       Defencive commander Mengsk

A Planetary Fortress is not practical as an option outside of base defense. Its size and expense makes it hard to work. Maybe if it can shoot while flying but not as a fixed structure.

And even as a base defense, there are better options available.


I’m all for more buffs, and with all the new brutal+ levels you have more room to work with.

I like the idea of 50% (additional +30% with mastery) health on Karax units, it would really make up for the cost.
His army always felt more like support to your ally, but now you could seriously meat wall like Kerrigen with Ultralisks or an infestation wave from Stukov.

You don,t know how wrong you are, placing a massive building with alot of health and strong ground AOE damage will defend you from the incoming ground weaves. If it can AOE, and lets say stun like the shock divisions, it will smash ground units like ants, while the workers behaind it are repairing it, and the bunkers and anty air towers around it are supporting it.

You are not thinking this through.

PFs require a lot of space. On some maps, that space is limited and is best utilized by smaller defensive structures like Turrets and Cannons.

Because of that versatility and that those structures are built for purpose, not to mention are cheaper, they are clearly a more cost effective solution.

You only want a PF for the sake of it more than anything else.

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That is the point :slight_smile: THe point is for some commander to have the upgrade of the command center. And if you say that it is ineffective, then a big amount of damage and smaller cost of the upgrade will be VERY VERY effective. The effectivenes can be added easily. The point is to make somethink interesting and fun to play, the point is art, and imagination. That is the hearth of the game. This is the true purpose of playing. It is to be fun and enjoying. :slight_smile:

You need a far better reason than vanity, gimmick or just for the hell of it.

Zerg commanders can upgrade Overlords to transport units. But does anyone actually use it?

Balancing is more nuanced than that. In the context of other defensive structures, it’s a bad option to start with.

There’s nothing particularly interesting about a garden variety PF.

You want to see a PF in co-op, make it do something that is actually interesting like being able to shoot while flying; maybe the ability to be a mobile battle station with multiple guns and armaments.

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You will need much better reason to be so toxic. I am just expressing art and so do you.

We finaly agree on something. Make it a battle station with mutliple guns, sounds just right. I whana see that.

Polite disagreement is hardly “toxic”. Don’t conflate that with screaming profanities, name calling and personal attacks.

Not really. What you wanted was an option to upgrade to a PF when there is no real reason for it.

I am suggesting a better alternative that can work.

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Buffing ravager sounds good. I haven’t really used them. Those few occasions were about defending against propagators.

And some thoughts about Abathur in general:

Toxic nest should be smartcasters similarly to the Avatar of form. They should not blow up at the first enemy that touches them. I think there should be a minimum unit count like if 3 are in range they explode and they should only explode when one unit reaches the middle.

Autocast on brutalisk and leviathan morph should be turned off as basic to avoid losing a fully biomassed queen of viper. You could have a flashing that signals that a unit is capable or evolving.

Some changing ideas:

Abathur cannot really max out, so I find no point in him having 200 max supply. 100 would be enough I think. His ultimate evolutions go into town without anything special happening to them and are basically free. You have a Brutalisk for 100 minerals and 2 supply. A brutalisk that is far more powerful than an ultralisk which costs about 300/200 and 6 supply. Same for the leviathan (ok, that costs 100 gas as well). Seeing 3 brutalisks and 1/4 of the map cleared in the 5th minute of the game is boring, similarly to the previous mass Zeratul cannons or Stukov bunker strategy. I think the brutalisk and leviathan morphs should require for example additional 3 supply and resource cost (dunno 300/150) and no autocast option. With this you’d have 30 supply taken once you have all 6 ultimate evolutions and optimally +48 supply for the workers. That’s 78/100. With this you could add automated extractors (he is evolution master after all), so -12 workers -> 66/100. With this you could create 17 more units (for that 34 supply). Once you have all 6 ultimate evolutions up, your army can withstand almost everything, you don’t need that many extra soldiers.

Yes! It’s a bit sad that his early game was nerfed, and now they are buffing the early game of other commanders. There is no consistency in the updates, seems totally random.


Thanks, best blizzard news since 2020!

Yea, this is one of the simple ways to improve Karax. Thank god I’ve put a disclaimer.

I can’t wait to see what’s stored for Alarak’s mech, mainly for Vanguard and Wrathwalker, possibly War Prism.

And I want 1qe2c back into the play.


PLEASE add an autocast option to Mengsk labourer/Trooper autobuild.
Swann workers can be set to autocast his multi-worker building but Mengsk workers/Troopers can not be set to autocast…

Also it would be great if all Terran Bunkers got a “Get in!” command which would order all nearby compatible infantry to just rush into the nearest bunker, for easy and fast loading of infantry into bunkers in a haste.