Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

He was talking about WoL where she didn’t rip Valerians half of the dominion fleet into the ground like she was Starkiller on steroids. If she was actually capable of that feat, that would have been the time.

I don’t remember her taking down those BCs on Char orbit as well.

I guess that they meant only primal Kerrigan beats BC fleets?

Why doesn’t she go straight to Korhal after Zerus then :stuck_out_tongue:

Because she’s too powerful, duh.

In WoL however I had the impression that Kerrigan was increasingly nihilistic with suicidal tendencies at the end.
At some point she even have her original human persona coming out and encourage Raynor to not give up and deploy that Xel’naga device against her, iirc. At some level she seem to wanted to be taken down. Even Tychus remarked that she is losing it, as doesn’t think and act clear.

Even previously when she had that fight with Zeratul she was quite distracted and barrely bothered to kick him around when he tried to kill her. She mostly wanted to talk to him and didn’t pursued him right away to kill him. She was mostly like “yeah, whatever Zeratul, we’ll all gone die soon anyway”.

Beside the developer statements, including not just that she can take down space ship fleets but that she is the most powerful psionic being in SC universe (before Amon to be fully revelead, she still surpass him when she ascended).

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That would have make a really short game. Also there was that xel’naga keystone device still at play and you can say she took more precaution methods to ensure her victory with an overhelming force.

Also in lore there are even couple random no name high templars who take down a small bc fleet iirc, in one of the novels, and these are just fodder for Queen of Blades, I don’t think they are anywhere near more capable than her

Browder is a gameplay design hype guy. He’s hyping up the gameplay. I don’t expect he has an exceptionally strong grasp on the lore.

Kerrigan has never been shown in lore to be able to destroy ships in orbit, let alone entire fleets, and there are many, many occasions where such ability would have come in handy.

And before you start giving me gameplay I feel like reminding you that marines can blow up entire fleets with gauss rifles. Which definitely do not have a range of “into space.”.

Kerrigan destroying space fleets herself doesn’t make sense.
She commands zerg that do it.

There’s dialog for Warfield killing the queen of blades.

He doesn’t talk about Jim or Kerrigan in game He talk about representation in the game must be consistent with the story, Raynor is a mortal and Kerrigan an alien goddess., Nova sprays a solo zerg base(three hive) with a psychic explosion, a step far below Kerrigan , which in heart of the swarm also kerrigan does it in cutscene ingame on a terran base and possesses ishe has apocalypse ability, a high templars have the ability to feedback( “As high templar are deeply attuned to the energy flows that surround them, through this psionic ability, these warriors can grasp the energy currents present in beings or machines, and drain them through a violent chain reaction. This backlash may cause grievous wounds to living beings, or massive structural damage to machines. If the target happens to bristle with energy, the powerful psionic Feedback may destroy it outrigh”), which allows them to manipulate the energy of organic beings and machines to destroy them, what makes a ship immune to most powerful psychic

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That’s cute, but ship is on the orbit.




Theres dialogue for Warfield thinking he killed the Queen of Blades. Its explicitly stated that she’s actually burrowing back to the hatchery to heal.

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So that means Capital ships are more than enough to wipe her, so in essence Kerrigan’s individual power is insufficient to deal with say, Carriers and Battlecruisers, but it’s because of the swarm she can handle them

No wonder she has a weakness against sky comps in co op, it all makes sense now

No. I’m not talking about All In, I’m talking about when she can die in the Char missions during HotS.

Heart of the Swarm is already way too short. Why would you want to make it even short?

Do we know if a ship in orbit is able to hit a human size target?
I mean a centermeter off mean missing the target by miles.

Ships don’t fire bullets.


Sci-fi navigation and carpet bombing solve this easily.

Hitting some stray Zerg isn’t really a problem.

So am I. Warfield thinks he killed her, but he was mistaken.