By the way guys, it’s official:

I mean, mechanizing the Zerg is such an achievement that you would think only a total drug addict in his hazed ravings could even IMAGINE such a thing!

Fingers crossed that the main cast has to disassemble their medivac to help build Super Gary to defeat the Tal’darim.

I hope this comic goes into whether the Mecha Swarm and Simulants have any connection. Them having the same look was always weird considering both pieces of lore insist they had different creators.


My wild guess… Stetmann wanted his own Simulant Zerg. He couldn’t get the existing blueprints for them and/or thought he could improve on that project, so he just went ahead and made a race of them to call his very own. Probably used that as another “excuse” to get high on Terrazine :wink: :sunny:

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A stoner collage student with a religious reverence for the rock he lives on.

The good news is he seems to be controlling them directly, so there’s an upper limit to the size of his mecha swarm.

The best explanation I can think of is Stetman was involved in the simulant project before it went rogue. It turns out that Terrazine is great for your memory, so he was able to make his own from just having seen the blueprints.


Well, the skin explanations have never been any more canonical than co-op, and they came up with Stetmann AFTER they saw the widespread popularity of the simulant skins. So I suspect they will just ditch the simulant backstory and say “Stetmann made ‘em”.

Actually the skins descriptions are canon, and some tiny things have been referenced in other places. Co-op is only not canon so they can do silly things like bring Tychus back.


UED would be better as the leader of the Simulants than Stetmann, UED has always tried to control the zerg and were said to be more Advance as well so it would make more sense if they were the ones creating an Army of Robot Zerg rather than some goofy drug addict teenager who got abandoned in a jungle or something. I hope Stetmann is just dreaming or something and isnt really the leader.

Next step: Mechanizing the Xel’Naga.

Sc3 plot will revolve around Stetmenn making Simulant Xel’naga and the three races having to band together In an effort to try and stop him from conquering the galaxy.

In Heroes of the Storm the Queen of Ghosts skin of Kerrigan pratically say the Simulants are an Umojan tech.
Make sense that Stetmann before or during the initial part of Heart of the Swarm, see the Umojans working in the Simulant, and then creating his own Simulants.

They just make a robo ultralisk in a separate timeline where Kerrigan is fully deinfested by the Keystone. Meanwhile, the skinset strongly implies it’s an offshoot of the robot zerg the Dominion has used for years to train its ghosts and reapers.

I don’t remember nothing that suggest that… the color scheme too is more similar to the Umojan then others…

Haven’t read my comic yet, but does the comic say anything about how Stetmann managed to get his hands on a Horde T-shirt?