Burrowed Terran Mines Take No Damage Against Stalkers


Had about 11 stalkers fire on a buried widow mine complete animation and everything, and despite being deep in the orange, it took no damage.

I have the video link, but Blizzard isn’t letting me post it. Where should I post the video?

EDIT: Try this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q-_zoAf5RVfRv_ZI2Io4U80RtEY7ctsF/view?usp=share_link. Also, i have the selected mine so you can see the HP. It’s not the initial volley, but the second one that has about 7 stalkers shoot that takes no HP damage.

But you should fix it, Blizzard.


post it in a way that it doesnt look like a link.

Write `your link` (replacing “your link” text by your link of course)

Did preformatted Text. Here is the link.

definatly looks like its buged

This is not a bug. This is the cloaking mechanic interacting with projectile weapons.

If the player has an Armory, burrowed Widow Mines are cloaked when their attack is on cooldown.

When it finishes burrowing under above conditions, it is able to dodge projectile weapons just like Banshees and Ghosts can enable Cloak to dodge projectiles.

yeah but that widow mine did not finish burrowing before it was hit by about 6 stalker shots, that widow should have been dead. and it was 100% a definate hit with no damage. The two collus’s beams right before that should of killed that.

There was no armory, I could see the widow mines the entire time until they completed their burrow animation.

Secondly, there was not a cool-down because they never fired their weapon.

Finally, if cloaking gives immunity, then if the mine is visible, and targetable, it should take damage. If you can target fire a visible mine that is visible but it still has the cloaked setting, then it is misleading to a player and the army mechanics to “attack” and take the risk of being blown to pieces without the ability to damage / destroy the mine.

Oh, you are right! :smiley: Thanks for the answers!

I recreated this in the editor to figure out what is happening.

The conclusion is that burrowing Widow Mines / Zerg ground units can dodge projectile weapons when no observer is around. So, burrow acts just like cloak.

Video with Widow Mine and a Zergling both dodging a Stalker’s projectile:

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