Burrowed Swarm Hosts & Ravagers collide with burrowed Movers

Most burrowed units have the collision with “Burrow”.
Roach and Infestor can move while underground, so they have their own collision flag: “Roach Burrow”.

Burrowed Swarm Hosts and Ravagers currently collide with both, “Burrow” and “Roach Burrow”.
They are the only burrowed units with this combination.
=> They should probably only use “Burrow” as I cannot see what should make them special enough to collide with Roach/Infestor.


more info + test map:

Code to remove the collision , so they interact with Ravager and Swarm Hosts just like burrowed Ultralisks, Drones, Hydralisks, Queens, Zerglings, Banelings, Lurkers and Widow Mines:

    <CUnit id="RavagerBurrowed">
        <Collide index="RoachBurrow" value="0"/>
    <CUnit id="SwarmHostBurrowedMP">
        <Collide index="RoachBurrow" value="0"/>

Since the Roach only becomes a burrowed Mover with an upgrade, maybe the upgrade should switch the collision from Burrowed to RoachBurrow.
So, super accurate would be:

    <CUnit id="RoachBurrowed">
        <Collide index="Burrow" value="1"/>
        <Collide index="RoachBurrow" value="0"/>

    <CUpgrade id="TunnelingClaws">
        <EffectArray Operation="Set" Reference="Unit,RoachBurrowed,Collide[Land1]" Value="0"/>
        <EffectArray Operation="Set" Reference="Unit,RoachBurrowed,Collide[Land7]" Value="1"/>

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