Bunker rush 15 chara blah blah

It’s been a while since i dealt with it so whats the best way to respond. double bunker and a barracks. I didn’t scout it in time because it’s a stupid new map.

next time scout in time.
next time don’t be greedy.
next time make units.
next time post replay

Gotta scout it if you want to stop it before it establishes, then fight it with lings and drones. Spines outrange bunkers slightly, and ravagers are a good option if you get contained

It was a goofy map I sent ovie to wrong spot. Nevermind your reply sucks so you’re not worth a response

I tried lings and queens I didn’t pull drones but that might of helped. Next time maybe I’ll try ravagers or a few spines as well. I didn’t think I’d have spines in time

you can drone scout the way rogue does if you are scared of getting bopped

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build the spine in the back and then walk them up. they have more range than bunkered marines.

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Spines can always be moved once grown

tbh after watching the gsl games this morning i think you just have to overpool

blizzard needs to nerf bunker build time tbh