Build order 1v1 pvp - reaper then hellions?

I’ve noticed in all top level replays, they do almost the exact same Terran opening build: 1 reaper, then go for hellions. Is there no other options at such a level? Is this supposedly THE strongest thing you can do early on as Terran to avoid losing to a rush and yet to hammer opponent if he ignores your rush? Seems odd to me, thought I’d see what other’s thought.

Hey Reason, I doubt that this is the best way to avoid losing to a rush, but this is a very efficient opening for Terran because of how fast these units are. They are more for applying early pressure to try and deny the enemy from pushing out comfortably. It also provides a smooth transition because most games involve either an early all-in or late tech deathball. Having hellions will deter them from attacking, as most will jus burn and die. Also, if the enemy is not prepared from overteching, you can pick up a lot of workers using this opening, which is a great catch.

This is important as games are all based around economy and slight advantages. These will eventually snowball to a victory or loss.