Another Trooper Idea

Earlier, I made a post about some new Trooper weapons (shock, grenade and scout troopers). Now, I have an idea for a more advanced, support oriented variant of the Trooper…

“Get in there and FIGHT, maggot!”

The Trooper Sergeant, armed with a pistol (scythe pistol or flak) and a “morale” boosting aura, he can make nearby units (namely troopers) to fight with improved attack speed. For quotes, they speak in typical drill sergeant manner (see “Abusive Sergeant” of Hearthstone).

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Mengsk already has a support unit that creates an attack speed-boosting aura (plus movement speed and Mandate), do you not think your idea overlaps significantly with Witnesses?


Yes, if it were meant for Mengsk.
No reason why Mengsk should be the only one who uses troopers of some type.

Very cool idea!! 20chars

Sounds like a commissar.

I know, right? Guess that’s why it hit me so hard.