Altitude LE? WTF?

Yo, who is the moron that created this map and who are the fools that actually appoved it? Like i really like the snowy landscape and the map lay out in general, but what the hell with gold bases. They placed those obsverations towers right in the center of the golds, you have to actually place your base away from it to mine. Was this bs done on purpose or was it by accident. And who approved it. Its not like you can kill the towers like the rocks on base some maps have either. It basically makes the base a reg min patch instead of a gold since you have to mine from a farther distance and you gotta ad more workers. Like seriously id love to meet the lame brain that thought this was a great idea other than to troll people with the map.

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You can kill the rocks that fall on to the tower and destroy it…

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Well dont i look stupid, i didnt even see the rocks, lol. I was too dumbfounded seeing the tower on the gold. It actually distracted me so much i stopped production on everything all together and gave my opponent one hell of a lead.