Alarak ascendant sphere animation

hi, im playing alarak in co-op mode and love to use the ascendant with psionic spheres build on him, in Lotv campaign this skill had nice animation, in co-op its just glowing bubble, can i change the graphic animation like in the campaign? its pretty hard to understand what on the screen with my daltonizm :frowning: (btw, all settings on ultra)

I don’t believe this is possible but maybe someone else has figured out the magic…

IIRC it did have that animation in the beginning, but it was causing too much lag so it was replaced by simpler one.


This, TBH. The lightning cables attaching to ALL of those units would cause Ascendants to be such lag makers. Lag is bad.

Yes lag was the reason it was changed… but alaraks ascendents never caused nearly as much lag as stetman and stukov can do today.


This is an old thread but yes, this! (I bought stetmann and then had to buy a better computer just to play him)