Advice on 1 base all-in terrans?

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Just lost to 4 terrans in a row, every single one was a 1-base all-in tank push. I think the best way to beat it is blink stalkers that sit on the map and just harass slowly to slow down the push. But all it takes is the terran going a different direction (which terrans know how to do now) and they reach my base, siege up, and win. In one they just built a few extra medivacs and doom dropped across the map into my main.

You don’t need blink vs 1 base all in. If you dont see 2nd cc just put all stalkers from 3 gates near his natural and slow him as much as possible( there will be no stim with this push) , then from robo chrono an immortal and warp one sentry and few zealots then a move him focusing tanks. Leave stalkers behind to kill all reinforcements.
Just be patient and attack when you feel comfortable even few siedged tanks wont kill you if you wont through everything on them unprepared. All you need is just few warp in rounds and you are good.

Lots of adepts and one immortal beats marine tank pushes. Mix in a couple of stalkers for air units as needed