Abathurs Nydus needs love

dont ask me why but till recently i totaly forgot that he has nydus in his arsenal. i instant tried with my abathurs fav p1 and its just sad. the load/unload speed is like from the 1990s. i agree that aba needs no buff but the a nydus upgrade would be so beneficial in terms of fun.

  • mobility always apreciated (esp. p1 lacks it)
  • higher skill cap
  • more versatile unit combos

It’d be nice if they could transport air in the same fashion. Perhaps give that to his.

Otherwise, he pairs nicely with Kerrigan P1 who can’t make her own Omega Worms, but Abathur still gets his Nydus Worms converted to Omega ones due to her presence.


Oh that’s a super neat trick I didn’t know that how awesome!

In general though there is only 1 unit that needs Nydus in a P2 build: Queens. Is it worth buffing for this one unit when P2 is the strongest in most games?

I did play P1 though today after losing with P2 against Black Death, Polarity, Diffusion and Darkness on Rifts to Korhal (Brutal+6). Definitely a place for it and on these hardest maps it doesn’t need a buff! (Black Death actually heals units overtime when they have more than 100 Biomass).

Might have won the first game as P2 but I kept forgetting to disable Ultimate Evolution on new units (really wish new units would have this disabled if all other units of its type have it disabled already). We also had a slight strategy miscalculation with my ally (Zag P3) burrowing into the back of the 3rd Shard area but when I followed I didn’t have enough room to keep my army safe, win the second game we just pushed straight down the middle which was much safer!

P1 is so fun once that army is established though, had multiple polarised BCs attacking me (up to 4 at one point) that just didn’t hurt my army in any significant way.

Nice to also have my APM artificially inflated for a game due to constant Biles (overlay says I had 182 APM while I normally sit around 80-120).

didnt know this trick either. ill try to remember it when i play with kerrigan next time (which is like once/3months ^^)
nydus not beeing versatile enough to use it for any ground unit is bad.
you end up with an army that needs
→ burrow UE first
→ burrow roach/swarm second
→ put queens into nyuds
→ wait till all entered → unload nydus
→ send overseer and flying units seperatly

even so you time all those actions fast and early you will find your army spread over the whole map and by the time you grp up again, the next wave already arrived on the other end of the map. thats ok, but not cool :slight_smile:

This conversation actually inspires me to use Nydus on those maps when walking queens around is dangerous. They’re only needed anyway to heal up after/during a fight so it is fine if they are “late to the party” due to the build time of a Nydus. I’ll definitely probably try to remember this. The issue of course still remains that each worm butt costs 100 gas and it is so rare not to need every ounce of gas you have (probably only if you have a source of bonus gas like Kerrigan, Swann or Stukov P3).

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