Zenyatta’s lore

is your post suppose to be blank? like i get the joke but how did u do that?!


Put stuff inside the arrows.

No but seriously. Other than training Genji, what lore?


He awaits the awakening of Cthulhu.


he should call, quicker

If you put letters between these: < > the text will not be displayed.

After dreaming for aeons, Cthulhu probably hasn’t paid his phone bill.

Would you accept a collect Call of Cthulhu?

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He is secondary character of Genji ark, like Briggite is secondary to Rain, so, it seems he will never get his own proper development.

Yet Moira and Mercy are all fascinated by his orbs :face_with_monocle:


You have me thinking of that Delicious Dish NPR sketch on SNL where Alec Baldwin guest stars and Ana and Molly discuss his “Schweddy Balls”.

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being from Scotland this has gone right over my head

You may be able to find it on YouTube or the like. The gist of it is they’re discussing his balls (a food product) unaware of all the double entendres and innuendo.

I was just imagining Mercy and Moira discussing Zen’s orbs in the same fashion.

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He trained genji, is a monk who stayed away from his actual home town and probably managed to hack sombra

Let’s see. He trains Genji, left the monastery because he didn’t agree with what was happening, and healed people and gave advice as he traveled the world.

That is about it.

Reasons we don’t have Zen lore is cuz he keeps it to himself.

“I must know how your technology functions”
“It’s a mystery lolol”


But it’s probably a bandaid, since they still need to cook up that Zen lore for us. =p

But rly, even Genji wants to know.


I know the blizzard team have other stuff to do, but Zen is pretty much the only character without an animated short


C’est tres barbant tout moi

Two thousand years later…

“Hey did you guys know that Zenyatta and the shambali can cook? Me neither.”