Zenyatta Animated Short next

Am I the only who wants this? Maybe other than lucio or sym…


I’d want a Zenyatta backstory, as well. I’d like to see his mentality and how he achieved it through more than just some voicelines/interactions. He’s really interesting.


Having a short for Symm and Lucio would be fun and exciting. I’d rather have a comic for Zen, personally, because he has a lot of room for a detail-intensive backstory. Just seeing pictures of his life, reading his inner thoughts and dialogue, the length of a comic allowing for a look into his past over many years -you just can’t get that with one 6-9 minute short…
Just my opinion, of course. As long as they don’t do him dirty, and give us more insight, anything would work at this point.


I want everything for Zenyatta but I get nothing.

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Overwatch has lore?


Not just Floaty Robo Jesus, but Mercy also deserves an animated short too!

~ PyroPanda


Yes, quite a bit, actually.

Lore: Torbjörn wants you to try his meatballs


Why not both? That would be really nice and interestning team up. Both are all about helping others and have different approach to it making it very fascinating duo. Spiritual Mentor and Dedicated Doctor. Soul and Body. Sounds hella entrancing.

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As interesting as it would be, it would be split focus on the heroes.

I won’t accept anything less than full Zenyatta focused animated short. He deserves it after all this neglect for so long. If it’s not about Zenyatta, then I don’t want it. Simple.


Overwatch writers, please, we’re starving for any zenyatta lore.

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I was more thinking about few comics where they are main protagonists but yeah with animated shorts everyone deserve to not share spotlight.

Zenyatta short announces
It’s 10 minutes of genji butt lore this time

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I dont know about that, McCree and Ashe shared a short and it went okay. Though Bob kinda overshadowed them.

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Yea comics would be fine and dandy, but in all honesty, animated short would have to come first so they can expand on that.

Mercy and Zen would get along well and not just because they both have a history with genji. Zenyatta definitely has the wit and sass that someone intelligent like Mercy would appreciate and has all the patience in the world to hear her ramble about anything concerning medicine. Oh and both want to help the innocents.

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10 minutes of that?

Sign me right up.

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Ashe was McCree villan to overcome. She wasn’t developed in anyway during that short. Heck most development had Echo and we just learnt she exist.

I’d argue the secondary purpose of the shorts is to showcase a hero’s kit and we certainly got that.

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Uh… junkrat/hog short?

There is one. It’s short, but it’s there…
Also, get Zenyatta a short seriously. A badass robot monk who attacks people with orbs? Yes please, and his backstory is really interesting