Zen next, or are we just gonna ignome that

Zen is in a good spot. Mercy ended up being mandatory to win. This has gone on too far for too long. It is a good thing they will try and nerf her. Other healers need breathing room.


I wouldn’t go that far. All the whilst Torb has a bigger critbox than old Deflect he’ll be the easiest to kill

I think I’d prefer to see anything like a CC resist on a new secondary support rather than changing Lucio drastically like that.

The range increase and the ult changes will help pick him up a bit. Granted I’d like to see a few more changes to his ult. Make sound barrier actually compete with trans a bit more.

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Yet Zen does the exact same thing to the off healer position and somehow it’s okay.

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But CC is “taking away control” which is Boolean, either you can or cannot control. What do you mean by reduces by 15%?

And also picking Lucio is not just for team speed boost. Individual speed boost, versatile peeling and extra harassment on the enemy team is also why you would consider picking him, but it is more of a Lucio skill thing instead of its intuitive purpose.

yeah it is ok. if you are out of position you need to be punished and it is a good thing Zen is able to do it. Zen has the worst mobility and extremely low hp, so it is not a problem to kill him. On the other hand Mercy has the best mobility, higher regen and higher hp.
Also you did not get what i meant by breathing room. I meant other healers need to be picked more and not considered a troll pick. Right now if you don’t have Mercy on your team you will lose. But if you don’t have zenyatta you will just have a harder time killing the enemy team. Those two things are not the same.


Zen already got nerf (15% reduce speedd). CHILL OUT!

Lolno. Many other heroes have similar lack of mobility to Zen. And he’s also 200 hp, which the majority of the cast is, except it’s better than a flat 200 hp because it’s patially shield which can regen.

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To discuss properly the states of the healers we need detailed charts of their pickrate and winrate per rank otherwise it’s just someone’s impression of what’s happening and it doesn’t prove anything.

I just dont like being reliant on a buff to get full run speed. Any way out of it is good for me.

By pickrate, Mercy and Zen are the top two picked healers. In GM, they are number and two hero flat out. In Master, they are 1 and 3. In Diamond, they are 2 and 4.

And their pick rate absolutely dwarfs the other supports, being about 3x higher. You don’t see other healers catch up until platinum where everything works.

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Link? What about the winrate across all ranks?

Some people complain they only listen to the Top 500 players so we have to consider all ranks.

15% full resist CC, 85% you get CC’d . . . you cant be partially CC’d . . . and Im not saying speed boost is the only reason to pick Lucio or anything even close to that. I just dont want run speed based on a skill, from anyone. If it is, then its subject to balance changes. ie EVERYONE running slower to make it more of a bonus to have the run buff.

How much damage does discord orb add? I forgot.


Yeah they could bring that down to 20 or 25 at least I think. But this is gonna make people hate playing supports even more because they are going to be even more reliant than before

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Their winrate is a little bit above average. Keep in mind that when something is being played a LOT it’s winrate isn’t going to shift much because in a mirror match, one of them always wins. If something reaches 100% pickrate it will then be forced to a 50% win rate automatically.


They’ve said Mercy was balanced numerous times, and basically denied having any intention to nerf Mercy during a stream only a few weeks ago. Take what they say with a shovel of salt.

What’s the point games garbage wutface lmao

The people who hate playing supports aren’t playing support anyway.

Moira, Ana, Brigitte, Lucio, Zen and Mercy are all fun to play. I’m just restricted on when I can play the first four if I want to win because picking them is low key throwing except in very strict circumstances that are met may 1 out of ever 20 or 30 matches.

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