Zen is a bigger problem then mercy

I always stay as far away as possible and spam discord + RMB if people don’t know how Zen works and that he isn’t a “always nearby” support like Mercy/Moira/Kiri, not my cup of tea :slight_smile: .

Nerf both. Problem solved.

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See mercy mains. Don’t focus on the only other hero that also has dmg boost.

It’s just going to draw attention back to the meta hero with dmg boost.

Instead of calling zenyatta OP. Suggest players try him for dmg boost if they don’t like playing mercy

What would replace Discord though? Zen is Discord. Like what else does he have? Trance is kinda garbo, Harmony Orb has pretty bad HPS. That’s it, those are all of his abilities.

His projectiles are good and his kick has some niche uses but they are nothing revolutionary.

Zen would need an entire rework without Discord.

The argument against Mercy damage boost makes sense. She has that alongside other powerful abilities like Ress and Valk, not to mention some of the best mobility in the game. She would function almost identically without her boost and her impact would remain mostly the same outside of extreme damage breakpoints.

Zen would be nothing without Discord. If Discord gets nerfed or removed, he would need significant amounts of compensation into other areas of his kit.

Given he is also not meta, nor do I foresee him being meta, I just don’t see Discord being changed or removed for a long time at least.

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…please refrain from personal attacks on our forums, thank you. :slight_smile:

I love playing zen, but yeah, zen is op af. Although it’s survivality against organized flankers (his 1v1 are mostly fair) kind of tune him down, if he is unchecked, he carries quite easy. Nonetheless this applies to Ana as well, so it’s quite a dilemma how to tune them well and fair for the game.

Playing solo tank against zen and ana is pain


Word of the wise, my friend (ty Trilly)

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If they get rid of discord they would have to rework zens body.

Being shaped like a floating circle with a large head isn’t great.

Next they would have to significantly buff his healing.

Next imagine if they let u put discord on ur team mate similar to how mercy worked.

Then you aren’t winning any 1v1s against his pocket cuz they are dmg boosted even tho the zen is out of loc and they are pocketed even though the zen is out of loc

Genji main got kicked in his balls by zen


Ya discord for team needs nerfs but self should remain.

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i can see that op, but at least zen is vulnerable. killable. you have a fair chance (both ways in those interactions) whereas mercy is the opposite.

but zen adjustments may well come, no way are they the priority tho

If you can’t kill the completely immobile guy with a hitbox the size of a house it’s a skill issue I’m sorry.

this guy has actual skill issues. wants supports to be healbots and nothing else. can be lucky there is no downvote button on the forums.

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never said i cant kill zen i play mainly genji and support and i can see zen is horrible to deal with if you don’t have a good flanker your team just get pushed over every team fight if the zen knows when to use his discord orb. i can find a hero not a problem for me but still see how its a problem for others

lol as if i litterly made a post about wanting them not be a heal bot so ya, i can just see something is unheath for a game even if it don’t impact me directly

I don’t think either are a huge problem, but of the 2 Discord is definitely more of an issue.

The main thing I want changed about Mercy is her pocket healing, I don’t care about her Damage Boost. I just want it so that her healing output decreases after being on the same target for however long.

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i could see that working like a 5hps every second your on a target to 30hps then if you switch they have to wait 3 seconds for it to go back to max hps

I basically think of it as Mercy heals for her usual amount, but after 3 seconds of continued healing it drops. Not sure how much.

Then after she either heals another target, or damage boosts for 3 seconds it comes back up.

But I don’t know what numbers would work best.

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never said i cant kill zen i play mainly genji and support and i can see zen is horrible to deal with if you don’t have a good flanker your team just get pushed over every team fight

Assuming this is true how is it any different to losing to Pharah if you don’t have good hit scan? I mean if killing Zen is a win condition it’s one of the most achievable win conditions in the game.

Go Soldier and beam him from an off-angle, spam him out of position with Junkrat or Pharah, blow his head off with Ashe or Widow, dive him with Echo, flank with Genji or Tracer and if all else fails Sombra vs. Zen is still one of the most favourable match-ups in the game despite her nerfs and no amount of careful positioning will save him from the legit invisible assassin who can just walk up to him for free, disable his ability to discord her and spam hitscan rounds into his giant hitbox while AD strafing.

He has 200 health. A hitbox the size of a house. No escapes and no self-peel outside of his damage which is mid by DPS standards. If players let a Zen sit in his backline all cozy with unlimited uptime on harmony and discord while spamming damage into your team they deserve to lose.

I do think if we saw Zen meta or highly picked as Mercy is right now, we’d be having a similar conversation about Discord as we do Damage Boost - of course there are some differences like

But yeah, whenever Zen is up there, I wouldn’t be surprised if people complain about Discord.

I’d have no idea what to change about it though personally

because pharah don’t buff the full team with a no cool down infinite ability, pharah has to manage a lot while flying and yes i hate fighting her but i don’t think shes all that unhealthy like discord is. annoying and unhealthy are 2 different things.

personly i think zen needs a new ability i don’t know what it would be but i know people will have better ideas them me