Zen is a bigger problem then mercy

So nerf Discord percentage on tanks specifically and buff it for squishies. If you think the problem is no incentive to Not discord the tank all the time, this would solve that.

You can even throw in a small cooldown for reapplying Discord to a target that lost it.

ā€¦well the full quote & context (which you left out) was comparing it to being dmg boosted, which by comparison, does require coordination (vs having a Mercy simply follow you with zero input on your behalf) and thus is harder to get the same value out ofā€¦? :thinking:

Please letā€™s just stop here. As the tank you have plenty of options to deal with zenyatta. He has his clear weaknessesā€¦.

Mercyā€™s issue is she is unkillable and the target she pockets is easily as hard to killā€¦. So the target to focus is unclear.

Not to mention when you have mercy beam on you no co-ordination is needed for dmg boosting breakpoints. For example Ashe + mercyā€¦ you know you can 1 shot any targets in your los as Ashe.

Ashe + zenyatta. Zen has to have los and apply the discord then call the discorded target to the Ashe who then has to find the target as well and shoot it.

Zenyatta is the easiest to dive support in the entire game.

Debuffs apply to zenyattaā€¦ fades bubbles suzu

If you are a tank and you play orisa into zen the entire gameā€¦. It sucks if you only like to play orisa. But there are answers to zen.

I feel like someone was pocketing a dps that got worked by a zenyatta and they are mad.


It all comes down to never tweaking for 5v5. 6v6 was the original and peak OW.

I do agree itā€™s a very strong ability, kind of like a death sentence if you dare to stay in the open.


No it dont zens orb is like a becon for everyone to jump them atleast in mid to high ranks and in low ranks every one is already shooting the tank.

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How many times are we going to nerf supports and expect people to still play it?


ā€¦doesnā€™t change the fact it requires coordination (not all 4 allies may be immediately looking at the discord target) vs simply being dmg boosted which requires no input from the boosted playerā€¦ :wink:

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How mnay time are we going to nerf any role and expect them to play it secondly i think he needs a full rework like a complete overhall like orisa

It does require coordinationā€¦ but a high amount? Kind of a reachā€¦


Support class is the least played class out of dmg and tank class

And of course people are wanting kiriko, mercy, ana and now zen to be nerfed.

This is taking things too far. Iā€™m sure nobody would want to play support if every single support is being nerfed


Yā€™all shouldnā€™t we just encourage the community to try zen when they donā€™t want to get peer pressured into playing mercy?

Maybe if we give people alternatives to mercy some of the rage will die down.

Isnā€™t it an awful feeling to have your team yell at you to play something you donā€™t want to? Or yell at you to swap off a hero you do want to play?

Instead I feel like zen is being targeted bc heā€™s the only one that can even contest mercy.

Maybe if you enjoy playing mercy you should be happy right now and try to see things from others perspective.

Suggest the nerf you want to see mercy get before the devs make the decision for you.

For example I begged on the forums for kiris healing to get nerfed not her personal survivability. What do you know? The healing got nerfed and the hero is still fun

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Thanks, Iā€™m stealing that phrasing :japanese_ogre:

Zenā€™s orb is worse than not being able to balance DPS characters properly I guess :person_shrugging:

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I suggested players try zen if they donā€™t want to be flammed to play mercy.

Then the mercy players make threads to nerf zenā€¦. Bc he might be a viable alternativeā€¦.

maybe if people try playing zen against mercy and itā€™s fun and they actually win some games they wonā€™t complain as much

ā€¦thanks for acknowledging it & thanks for the chat! :slight_smile:

Zen is actual cannon fodder for every flank, hell Kiriko 1 taps him, meanwhile Mercy ā€œHeroes neverā€¦ bla blaā€ Moth mode "canā€™t kill me blehhhh :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: " :slight_smile:

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Youā€™re insufferable and the only reason I havenā€™t muted you yet is because I literally canā€™t :confused:


You can just go to your profile copy his name + the " - numbers" in preferences > users.

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This is true. But if nobody is even attempting to dive you can play zen. Once they start diving youā€¦ you can swap to like a kiri or Moira and get value as well bc now that they are diving ā€¦ and suddenly you can interact with them bc they arenā€™t across the map.

Discord does have range limitations thoā€¦ at those ranges not even zen can interact w them

A good zen is not easy to dive they can make you 25% easyer to kull and 2 tap you after with right click or 4 tap you. Thats what makes them target number one do the counter flanker no but the can fight back.

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