Zen and mobility? Help me out

I love playing zen but whenever I get dove upon I just die instantly. I feel like he should have something that can get him out of the situation much like ana’s sleep or Morias fade but people look at me crazy when I say he needs something along those lines but never get a full explanation as to why he doesnt need one. Im just asking someone to give me an explanation as to why he’s fine the way he is now.
P.S. Id rather not use my ult to get away from a diver because thats a waste imo.

I don’t know what SR you are playing at, but for myself at around 2500, I win, or drive off a third of my divers with Zen’s high dps and discord. And I usually have enough time to call for a peel from someone. If I know the enemy team has allot of divers I simply position myself in area’s that are easily peeled to by me team mates. There are times though when Zen is just not the right hero to play. If the team your against has two or more of sombra, genji, winston, and tracer, rest assured you are going to have a rough time and will either need allot of baby sitting or be dead 1st each fight.

It really does suck though when they have only 1 diver though, who is good, and your team does not assist.

PS. Not Really a bug report…

Im mid gold and I thought I posted it in the general sorry for having it in bug report
I do deal a lot of dmg to the divers but a dead healer over a dead diver is a good trade from my bast comp experience with other team based games