Zaryas pretty much dead now

Mercy’s win and pickrates aren’t bad in GM fam. If Zarya stays where she’s currently at, she’d pretty much be in the perfect spot. If you assumed even usage of off-tanks, Zarya would have a 4.2% pickrate, and she’s at ~5% even right now with a winrate that’s comfortably middle of the pack.

She’s doing A-OK


I don’t know… her pickrates are still declining and it’s no surprise they’re still okay because we’ve just come from her being meta so people could just be getting over the fact that it’s not really goats anymore, it could just get even worse from here. Her winrates dropped a lot of well and her stats (elims dmg).

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Me taking people who say things are dead seriously is pretty much dead now.


Well her pickrates from 10% to 4.95%… Dead is exaggeration sure, but isn’t that of any concern? Her pickrates still declining… Not to mention her stats have dropped insanely (damage reduced by 2k, elims reduced by 3)


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Here’s the sauce :stuck_out_tongue:


Zarya’s pickrate isn’t Zarya’s fault though. People are just running a lot more solo Hamster or Winston/Dva. Not a dead hero, just main tank dependent.


Right? It’s like a meme now. I just take it as salt and move on to more serious posts.

If people can’t make their point with out loading it with hyperbole than it’s not worth me reading imo.

Where are you looking?

On Overbuff even if you pick last 3 months on PC comp (OVERALL) her pickrate about 6% with over 50% winrate. If you look at this week (overall, comp PC) they’ve both only dropped 1%

If you strictly look at GM, PC, this month her pickrate was 8% with 54% winrate vs this week with a 5% pickrate and 53.96% winrate

Sure her pickrate has dropped 3% but she still has above 50% winrates, almost the exact same as through the whole month. And even in the last 3 months her pickrate was 9-10% with a winrate at 54-55%

She’s not dead fam, you’re highly exaggerating.

for this week on overbuff

It’s not concerning. She went from being a must pick to being just a regular off-tank. People can play other heroes now since GOATs isn’t the only effective comp

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I think it’s this, the uptake in Hamtaro (grimaces slightly at the thought) is a large part of it, one segment of the tanking community is pretty much whatever is FOTM at that point, and its Hamtaro’s turn at the top. Zarya is still very, very good even with her changes, she’s just going to go back to being the one of the hardest tanks to play but incredibly useful when you get good with her.

nice april fool’s joke

Eh. GM pickrate will change rapidly whenever Stage 2 of OWL comes in.

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In M and GM they been stuck in this meta mentality. I’d wager people have forgotten how to use her in anything other then goats.

People really need to let things stabilize after these huge patches before making assumptions. People are experimenting now, give it like another month or so and we will start seeing where heros really stand.

Reducing in popularity, yeah, but DEAD??
At the same time as being the 4th most picked hero in GM…
These forums are starting to give me headaches :mask:.

I just checked and their pickrates are nearly equal with Zarya actually being .02 higher. not that it means anything though, she’s still a very strong pick, just not in every team comp anymore thank god :))))

That’s because Rein is on the decline.
As a result, Dva and Monkey see more play. Mercy synergizes a lot better with compositions enabled by Monkey and Dva. So her stats jumped up quite a bit.

I just checked her monthly and weekly stats… yes they went down but she still looks really solid.

This game is going to be in such a bad state after Goats isn’t meta anymore.