Zarya quotes Yuri Gagarin

When you press R with Zarya at the telescope in the Horizon Lunar Colony, she quotes Yuri Gagarin, the first mankind in the outer space:

Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. Люди, будем хранить и преумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!

Which translates to:

Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it!

Quotes taken from Wikiquote

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And I think D.Va, maybe someone else, is quoting C3PO.
“The damage doesn’t look as bad from out here”.

Eidt: Zenyatta, not D.Va.

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I think D.Va was “Wow, the view is amazing!”, or has multiple lines.

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But she does it so poorly it’s actually painful to hear as russian. She also purposely ignore Ь in pronounciation


That’s a shame, I didn’t know that :frowning:

Just checked, it’s Zenyatta that says it.
Makes way more sense.

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