YouTube video about mercy

I think this video is great and in depth on why mercy 1.0 and 2.0 aren’t good and they’re all because of resurrect


If anything, it kinda points out how Ult charge based Rez is hard to balance, and cooldown Rez is more balanced across ranks.

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I watched this amd it sums my opinion on mercy up perfectly.

I enjoy played 300 hours of mercy and made it to grandmaster and I’m over her being destroyed in every aspect to balance a ability thats unbalanceable because they want to keep it so they don’t face backlash from mercy players who get high off one tricking (mass) Rez.

Rez would’ve never worked on ability cooldown If it was being removed from her ultimate and it’s fair to say that it is clearly broken if they are going to keep nerfing her to keep that single broken ability ‘balanced’

And no, for the mercy players who think that’s why it should be reverted, no it really shouldn’t. It was unfair, promoted a unhealthy playstyle for a main healer and was plain unhealthy for the game.

I’m with everyone who just wants ressurect gone for good. Let’s hope it stays that way.


you know currently Mercy’s healing average per game starts to stagnate per match at roughly 12k in plat and only going up to 13k in GM
So logic would suggest that the problem would be minimal to non existant if ult charge was balanced around platnium players

So there’s the guy’s first point out the window, let’s see what other non sense he pulls

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just did a post about a suggestion if your intrested

That’s actually a pretty good point.

his second point I agree with, debuff’s of any kind applied to he player being rez’d is a terrible idea

However his third problem about the whole she had no tournament presence cus the ult wasn’t valueable to pro’s. first of all let’s assume pro’s are smart enough to use Tempo rezes with the original mass rez since that’s literally how it was always used on the rare occassion mercy was busted out for a pocket strategy. With this in mind you see very obviously the problem was that Mercy lacked mid fight potential compared to her competition. this was a solid fact beyond a shadow of a doubt she was considered a D lister in Diamond plus for this exact reason. E ability that isn’t rez would balance this

Fourth Problem involving hide’n’rez 1. wasn’t really a huge problem until INvulnerability because before that the only way to rez without dying was tempo which is obviouly more manageable. 2. there are other ways to impliment rez into the ultimate, isn’t the idea of making a slightly buffed rez part of Valkyrie popular? 1 or 2 single rezes during Valkyrie would this not solve the problem because it wouldn’t work if more then 2 people are down?

Seriously, are Mass Rez as we saw in 1.0 and E rez as we saw in 2.0 those cna’t possible be our only sollutions to this for goodness sake

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I dont agree that mass res cant be balanced, when they buffed it with invic they removed the counterplay, which broke it. They couldve just reverted that change and added a los check to it, and gave her an E ability that wasnt an ultimate and also wasnt redundant or removed a weakness. Or they couldve at least tried. Still could


Honestly from a competitive standpoint, res shouldn’t even EXIST in this game and what he said was right, that balancing it would be damn near impossible. The nature of the ability is to bring someone back from the dead, it’s literally invaluable.

I think it might be best just to redo Mercy from scratch at this point because changing the character is too much work.

Just going to repeat what I said in a different thread:

Yeah, I don’t agree with that video. Main reason being, it sounds like what someone who hasn’t played a lot of Mercy would think is true rather than what an actual Mercy player would tell you.

Case in point, he says that Mercy’s Rez wasn’t that impactful compared to Ults that “win” a team fight like Trans or whatever. That it just “resets the fight”. First of all, that argument is flawed because Trans doesn’t win a fight, either. Zenyatta and Lucio’s Ults just keep the fight going longer by way of stopping an offensive Ult. Unless the Zenyatta uses it to snowball a push–which is a risky play because he then has no Ult to use defensively–it produces the same result as Resurrect, except preemptively instead of reactively.

Also, what he fails to understand is that the Mercy players who liked playing with old Mercy (myself included) had fun playing her despite the fact that we knew she wasn’t viable at high levels. Old Mercy mains were probably one of the most selfless groups of players this game had ever seen–despite their character being considered utter GARBAGE at any competent level of play, they still used her either because they had fun with her or because no one else wanted to.


Maybe in casual play mercy can have a rez ability, but not in competitive

I’ll applaud your idea but it doesn’t really make much sense. Especially since no character has their abilities locked out between modes. Plus, what would she even have as a replacement for res in competive if they were to do that? Even if they did wouldn’t it just make more sense to just make that are default ability for both modes to keep consistency?

If Resurrect must be removed then I hope they replace that and Valkyrie with something better but not overpowered. Right now Mercy feels terrible to play as, whereas if I play Moira or Ana I actually feel like I’m contributing something more for my team.

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“Some got buffs, some got nerfs”.

Only Mercy and Briggite got nerfs lol?

Actually it’s the opposite, cool down Rez makes it so there will always be impact in what was supposed to be a “minor ability”

I don’t think reverting mercy would be all that bad as he makes it out to be.
Adjusting mass Rez exploitability would be enough to turn it balancable

Already can tell this guy is deluded. He’s tying the value of Resurrect to the number of players ressed. That would literally mean, “Hide n Res” was an amazing strategy but we already know that it wasn’t.

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It worked very well.
At least in lower ranks.

Bastions ultimate is also fantastic in low ranks. The strategy was bad. Very bad, if it only works well in low ranks. Even then, I expect low tier players to deal with it well as well.

Actually no it’s not. Res before invincibility was very under powered. They buffed it too much which is why the long Mercy meta was so long. Then when her rework came out it was overpowered and blizzard wouldn’t listen too Mercy mains and non Mercy main alike. It took them 13 nerfs to get Mercy to be “balanced” and shes not even fun anymore. If anything, the video shows that Blizzard doesn’t interact with the community as much as they use too, and they don’t know how to rework a character. Example A: the Symmetra 3.0 rework. A complete and utter flop.