You're all missing the most important support buff

I play a lot of Moira and I think this buff is pointless. If you’re outputting so much healing (wasting) and so little damage that you’re constantly out of healing you’re playing her wrong.

It’s really not it is a subtle way to get Mercy out off their Professional games because she is not good for viewership. tinfoil hat

Doesn’t change anything for Moira though?

Not really people will still play Mercy/Zen supports till rez is removed and transencence is nerfed :wink:

Not going to happen. This ultimate is strong right now because of what it counters.

I agree, but those are the only options to make the support class more diverse, unless you run triple supports.

Oh boy another “Moira is op!” Nonsense

Learn to read please. I didn’t say she is OP but is close to be one.

It’s just the base regen, err passive. Certainly not game changing. I’m not complaining.

When I’m low on juice I sit on my orb and vocalize it. Usually no problems ever. But thanks blizz :wink:

Which is why I said “oh it’s another ‘Moira is op’ comment.” Shes not op nor is she borderline op. She’s fine where she is, and the buff does NOT make her “borderline” op. Simply put, git gud

It’s really not, maybe I’m lucky but I’ve hardly ever had a problem with my resource and when I did I never got yelled at for dpsing because I said “hey I’m low, play safe while I recharge”