šŸ¤” You're actually destroying your game

I will be brutally honest and probably I will get some hate. I donā€™t care.
I am an avid Reinhardt main, I love playing him and if I could I would make every match a deathball mirror match. Or at least I did until now. Cause with bullcrap Ana gone gone are the days when an antinade is gonna wipe a squad and tilt a whole team. Gone are the days when Rein 1v1 dictated the outcome of the match. Skill and flexing in tanking category is on fire this week. I discovered in myself an insane propensity to play Sigma and Winston. I found Hog not being a throw pick for sometime, which is huge. For 4 years my friends, 4 years he was unplayable. And now that ana is gone we can all see clearly what the issue was. It was damn ana and her stupid kit. All the players opposing this week bans are the elite tier boosted players that abused one tricking Rein and Ana or Moira and Zarya. Now finally we can all play the damn game. Bring it on. The hero bans are fantastic I canā€™t wait for next week. Each week is gonna be fresh and spicy and if you donā€™t care much about SR the experience will be so good. Plus I think I am shaking up my knowledge of the game, which is super positive. Also no aim reapers gone from low tiers? Boom, low tiers require skill too. Also with big shield guy gone knowing maps and cover will be tested for once. I love it.

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They probably want to see how less healing would affect the game (since this was a complain). If they like it - letā€™s expect huge nerfs to healing.

(I hate restrictions, I hate to be forced to do something or to play certain hero/way, I hate 222, map pools and hero bans and whatever next brilliant idea they might have in the future)


i like the map polls but i think it should change every half season, on the hero ban topic i 100% agree the game does fill like crap to play especially as a support mainā€¦


Took a look at your profile. Oh boy. Oooooh boy. The Ana/Rein boost is so damn real. Keep it going blizzard, this hero pools thing is sky rocketing game quality.

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I would say it makes a lot more sense to be comfortable with at least 4 heroes per role. I thought that players would play more than 1 or 2 heroes in one of the smallest roles but I guess not.

Yup and that is two weeks of more losses the win meaning i will drop alot of SR, i am trying to get my support role back into gold so the only thing that matters to me is playing my best heros and winning right now, so i am going to have to wait till next week cause i am not risking my SR

Ah yes someone with high rank saying not to care about SR, you want to know why you dont care about SR because you are ready have a high SR, it is like a millionaire telling a poor person money has never been a problem


I am barely low plat what are you on about?

Right and i feel to bronze from gold many seasons ago so yes you are much higher then me, and i am trying to get out of the two complete garbage teir so SR is very damn important to me

I canā€™t agree more with the topic starter.

I can help you get out. You can have my discord and I will play support since my support is almost silver. I will actually try to teach you the game so you donā€™t fall back to bronze and you actually climb naturally.

If you wamt to climb as a support in bronze-sliver you have to DPS more then heal because your teams are crap, so relying on them to do their job garrentees you a loss

I doubt your problem is the team if you are stuck in bronze and silver. I can play terribly and never be placed in bronze.


I have a pretty deep support hero pool, for a non support main. I can play ana, baptiste, moira all at about diamond levelā€¦ so if ana and moira are both hero banned and my support partnet picks baptiste, wtf am i supposed to do, just throw my games? Guess ill just not play support to avoid that situation


It was crappy all the same.

And itā€™s perfectly logical since thereā€™s 7 supports only in the game. No one can be happy with a ban system that doesnā€™t fit the game, period.

It could affect lower ranks so itā€™s still crappy to go with hero bans altogether.

I agree with that. Restrictions have to be removed. Controls freaks are cancer to this.

And it has been the case since Role Queue (one year anniversary soon).

I mean, they must have thrown names in a hat, and drew 4 out right? Thatā€™s the only legitimate way I could think of why they would ban 2 heroes in 7 support pool. Without assuming they are beyond incompetent, that is.

They probably just banned the 2 most-picked supports to force a new meta. They didnā€™t stop to think that maybe thereā€™s a good reason those 2 are picked so muchā€¦

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1-3-2 was greatā€¦ hero bans is the worst thing everā€¦ especialy this week!

banning reaper? yeah nice useless ban! ban best tank and best healersā€¦ and 0 DPSā€¦

itā€™s clear they still are catering to the DPS massesā€¦


It was great because there was no hanzoā€¦

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Reinhardt needed to be banned because otherwise all weā€™d have this week is rein/zary or rein/dva, as usual (probably zarya since they went the stupid route of 2 supports being banned)

Reaper is a part of the reason why tank compositions, especially dive, canā€™t be used when no hero bans are taken into account; he gets picked and instantly the tanks have to switch to a brawl comp to combat him.