Your top 3-5 mains

Well considering I’ve been taking up some of the harder characters to work with, I think my list falls along.

  1. Junkrat (always my number 1 main)
  2. Roadhog
  3. Reaper
  4. Doomfist
  5. Moira

order of current “mains” who I enjoy playing but I flex others if needed

  1. ana (never stopped since release)
  2. lucio
  3. reaper
  4. winston
  5. junk rat

Widowmaker, Mercy, D.Va

I’m plat, I wouldn’t call myself good on anyone but top 5 heroes I’m most comfortable playing as are literally the only 5 heroes I play:

  1. Sombra
  2. Ana
  3. Zarya
  5. Widow

Used to play a lot of tracer but I’m so bad at her now. :c

Lucio? Zarya? Honestly don’t even know at this point.

Zen, Moira, Mercy [a bit less after the rework tho], Orisa, Lucio

surprisingly got worse with Ana since her piercing buff, it rly throws me off for some reason ;c

I guess:

1.) Tracer
2.) Reaper
3.) Moira
4.) Zarya
5.) Mercy

Though I’ve noticed I’m either hit or miss on Mercy. I’m either MVP saving my team multiple times a round, or I’m dying every 10 seconds to Genji or Doomfist. So … /shrug. XP

Although only the first 2 I find enjoyable to play as

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Think you got the wrong thread?

I don’t main anything. I’m full flex…


  1. Mei
  2. Zarya
  3. Pharah

Yes because someone making a thread asking what are you mains is a petition asking for votes, did you even read this thread before posting or what?

  1. Tracer
  2. Ana
  3. Zen
  4. Zarya
  5. Winston

I have more which are Lucio,, and Hammond since those three are also the heroes that I like to play the most. I can play rest of the Tanks and Support rosters but sadly can only one dps mostly which is Tracer. I can McCree but he’s my backup. Not a big of 2 ish? out of 15 dps heroes anyway.

Lucio, Reinhardt, Reaper, Moira, Winston


Definitely a support main

I like to think I’m flexible with most heroes, but if I have to choose my top 5, I have to go with


I’ve recently changed roles so my list is a little weird right now:

  1. Zarya
  3. Orisa
  4. Zenyatta
  5. Lucio

I’ve gone from to Lucio to Zarya to Zen and now back to off-tank lol. Part of me misses support but I think I have more room to grow as an off-tank

Nice topic, it is interesting to read about what people are playing and how they do it, always an insight.

  1. Rein
  2. Brigitte
  3. Orisa
  4. Moira
  5. Soldier

The top 3 I play the most, with the occasional switching to another hero down the list if the situation does require it, but I mostly try to stay on the designated role/char as frequent switching always puts you at a disadvantage of losing your ult.

In QP I play everything, so I can learn most characters kits and be familiar with their playstyle at least to some degree. I do say however that QP does not equal to ranked in matters of a learning experience, it does give you some, but the proper characters involvement into some sort of coordinated teamplay comes short there.

Junkrat He does a lot of damage and is great at breaking up choke points, taking down shields, taking out turrets or just causing chaos. But he isn’t good on every map in every situation.

Reinhardt I love the big guy but all too often no one picks tank and my team need a shield that knows their job is to shield, not charge in and get killed. I don’t mind being the shield if my team is going to use it thoughtfully but his bugginess over the last year has made him unreliable and annoying to play. Hopefully with the latest fixes, he won’t be as inconstant as he has been in the past.

Mercy A good Mercy can turn the tide. A bad mercy is at worst helpful. It gives you a unique perspective on the game and helps me become a better teammate to my healers.

D.Va When we need to dive or our team needs a little help tanking, she’s my girl. I started off playing DVa when the game launched and then they kept screwing with her so I explored other characters but she is finally back in a pretty decent spot.

Briggette People hate her when she’s aggressive and she can be effective in that way, but I tend to play her as support on payload missions. I stick close to the healers and help them with flankers and healing.