Your Main and You 💕

Name: RDK
Main(s): McCree/Zen/Tracer
Personality: ENTP-T
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
WoW Class: Monk, but I don’t play.
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Name: Touhou
Main(s): Sombra
Personality: INTJ-A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
WoW Class: Rogue/Monk
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Name: Hensoldt
Main(s): Zenyatta, Sombra
Personality: ISTP-A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
WoW: not even once :triumph:

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Name: oceanman
Main(s): Mercy
Personality: ISFJ
Alignment: Somewhere between lawful & neutral good
WoW Class: Mage - though I never played WoW, I enjoyed playing the Mage class in other games.

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Name: Dunno
Main(s): Mercy
Personality: Mediator/INFP-A
Alignment: Chaotic Good
WoW Class: Druid

I don’t really think my personality thing is right. I’ve done it before and I think I had different results.

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It’s from Markdown, I learned how to do it with this amazing post:

Name: Jacob
Main(s): Attack: Pharah, defense: junkrat,, support: moira
Personality: Logician/INTP-T
Alignment: Neutral
WoW Class: I dont play, but whatever does the most dps
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Yay! Thanks!

Name: Deucideye
Main(s): Orisa, Mei and Mercy (maybe junkrat I haven’t decided on him yet)
Personality: INFP-T “The Mediator”
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
WoW class: Uh Monk maybe?
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Personality:COMMANDER(ENTJ, -A/-T) Alignment:Lawful Neutral
CoH(city of heroes)Class: controller/warshade

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WoW Class:Druid

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  • Name: Arkham
  • Main(s): Junkrat/Roadhog
  • Personality: ENFP-A
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • WoW Class: Blood Elf Warrior

Funny how I pseudo-RP my Warrior as honorable (Lawful Good) but my two Owatch mains are murdering psychopaths. XD

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Name: Ambulance
Main(s): Mercy
Personality: INFJ-A
Alignment: Neutral Good
WoW Class: Never played, Druid

These websites were fun. Thanks, OP.

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Name: M0SHi
Main(s): D.Va/Zenyatta/Lucio
Personality: Logician (INTP-T)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
WoW Class: Paladin
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Name: gardenghost
Mains: Sym, Sombra, Moria
Personality: INTP
Alignment: chaotic evil
Wow class: mage or warlock if I’m remembering correctly.

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Name: NinthFriend
Main(s): Tracer as only dps/Flex into Tank/Support
Personality: INFK - T (Advocate)
Alignment: Lawful Good
WoW Class: Would be Warlock

That was fun. Thanks for this. :smiley:
Here have my hugs :hugs:

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Name: ImNoJedi
Main(s): Hanzo, McCree, D.Va, Brigitte, Moira
Personality: ISFJ
Alignment: True Neutral
WoW Class: Mage

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Hey i’m INFJ too!

To answer other questions, I’m flex player who mained Sombra/Moira recently. And i’m probably chaotic neutral.

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Name: SgtTin
Main: Reinhardt
Personality: Logician (INTP-t)
Alignment: True Neutral (Although if some of those DnD questions were more specific or realistic, I might have landed Lawful Neutral or Good)
WoW Class: Maybe Hunter, I have trouble making RPG characters sometimes (too many ideas :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I didn’t know how to do it either. I just hit reply to the OP, then hit the little speech bubble (quote) on the top left of the text box, when you do that, the post with the formatting visible will appear in your box and you can just copy the formatted portion you want, delete all the rest, and substitute your answers/text where their answers/text originally were. It’s easier than learning it all if you’re lazy like me. :sweat_smile:

Mahhh brother! Shall we take over the world?:smiling_imp: