Your Guilty Pleasure

How did you post a video? What sort of black magic is this?

They’re trust level 3, so they can post links

I have learned the black arts of the “Level 3 User” lol

Can I be your apprentice?

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sadly i’m a torb/symm main so that’s just a normal day for me XD

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This thread should teach you all you need to know to be able to do more stuff on the forums :stuck_out_tongue:


I love hanzo and mcree, but I get more value out of tracking with soldier/zarya and my ability with mcree has devolved to potato ;-;

One day mcree will get enough love to convince me to main him.

Battle Mercy tbh

Gasp… The black tome of forbidden arts. Do you really believe me worthy?

Torbjörn, hands down. He’s one of those guys you’re either forced to switch off immediately because the enemies know how to deal with you, or you end up with all golds and a very tilted enemy team (console player here btw).

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All are worthy to weird the great power of level 3. Join us.

i might in 9 days <.< (one can hope lol)

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I’m not the greatest Ana player in the world, but man it is fun playing her when you’re doing good.

i been enjoying ana and phara these past few days

Unfortunately my guilty pleasure is my main, Hanzo.

I generally play tank or healer because nobody plays that, but when I can get away with it, I’m picking Hanzo.

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37% win rate but I refuse to stop playing her, she’s fun as heck.

Junkers. If I’m in a bad mood, I’m playing a Junker, meta or not.

I have most playtime on Ana, but I’m not great with her at all.
I play her a lot though, for those delicious moments when you land that sleep dart, especially on a Genji or Tracer. :drooling_face:

Mei, i like freezing people and finishing them off with a punch, I’ve also spent more credits to get her event items than i care to admit.

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