Your forum crush? 2.0

Nah, I like you dude

I wonder which 2 lol


no you can have the honor lmao

I’m so tempted to say them, you have no idea.

i know i knew, but i dont remember and i dont care to look through the discord

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tell me please
at least the initials


I’m gonna say

Gimmi that green response

Initials work. Gimme gimme

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I made it. If I’m not here tomorrow evening, you know what happened.


LOL ok only because I’m feeling sCaNdAlOuS…
I don’t think either one is still on the forums, or at least I don’t really see them, and one of them used to be everywhere.

One starts with a J and ends with an A, and the other one starts with P and ends with a 5…

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This thread turned from wholesome to popularity contest to drama gossip real quick

I already went through high school once.

I’m out <3


Oh, you did? I AM GOING!!!

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If they are the same I’m thinking of, not wrong. Not the only ones but def not wrong

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and another one
starts with s, ends with e
and starts with a, ends with h

Well one of them is on my most replied to list :joy:

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No. It doesn’t. A gang of roving comedians, clowns, and other joke tellers ate my puppy. How is that peaceful? :rage:


two of them lol

No, just one :stuck_out_tongue: Well, at least for me. I’m surprised the other one isn’t, but he isn’t.

well, two of them that pez said on discord are on your top replies

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Ey is PezLex talking about this on Discord? :joy:

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we have a discord group from back around the richc time, but its long past dead

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