Your best potgs

How can you guys send links? it says i cant

I like this one because it showcases quick thinking from my supports

This one is just hilarious

And since I’m a garbage Genji, any time I actually do something with my blade is cool
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Allow me to help with these…

Links are in the order you put them. :slightly_smiling_face:


how do you put videos in there, i cant do that

I’m a level three user. Here’s the info on what it means and how to get it .I'm a Level 3 User now?!

at this point, i’m fairly sure at least half the links to my thread comes from you xD

Thanks! I can’t do that yet :smile:

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Funny POTGs are the best!

Besides Torb, I’ve gotten one with Symmetra where I instantly died and the whole enemy team walked into my turret room. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Yeah, sorry for filling up your notifications… People really want to get to level3.

nah it’s cool. i just never thought that thread would be so useful i mean the original post was just “hey look at me i’m a level 3!” HAHAHA


I just use the default Xbox record feature instead of the in game one.

Ikr. Now it’s everyone’s go-to thread for info on the trust levels.

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I think a quintuple kill with Reaper back in the day (no vid) is probably my best. All my recent ones are with Moira and nobody wants to see those lol.

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Yeah it’s a lot more reliable lol

It’s not a POTG but I think people would like to see Tracer&Genji(ulting Genji) killed by Widow.
Also I have no idea what’s up with the lag there as I didn’t have it ingame. It must’ve been some error in the highlight save feature.

Oh baby that slash :heart_eyes:

I should have level 3 tomorrow. Will show my favorite pharah potg then

Ty, ty. I love playing Genji.

Does it count if it’s mainly because the other team was bad? :stuck_out_tongue: (Well ok, I guess I was a liiiitle sneaky too.)