Your $20 derankng smurfs are fun to play against

Brig shield bash isn’t the only counter to flankers in her kit. Brig armor repair lowers genji and tracer kill potential. Tracer trying to one clip teammate armor pack. Tracer tries to kill teammates in a fight inspire adds 16 healing to teammates.

Brig’s shield bash is the only thing in her kit that gives her an advantage 1v1

Countering is just fight or have in advantage in one vs one.

You don’t have to throw to play in lower ranks. I play in low plat yet the game allows me to use lfg to play with high bronze and low gold players. Also to prove point wrong I tried in all four my games lost 3 and 1 draw. The enemy team is better.

Yeah, come on, didn’t you know that just because you’re not also in Diamond means you don’t have high-level smurfs or hackers? But it’s okay, 'cause they’re dead easy to deal with. For example, if you’re in Silver and have a Masters smurf against you, just play like a Masters/GM level player and you’ll win. LOOOOOOOOL dude.
And even better if they’re on your team. After all, would you rather work for 20 SR or get 10 for free? 4head. Heck, even better if you wanna really climb, just group up with the first willing smurf and watch your SR skyrocket into Gold, where you can play with actual Gold players at a Silver level and ruin the game for people there too.
Because after all, in a competitive game mode, who cares about integrity and legitimacy when you can just create a huge mess of trolls who drive away the actual playerbase. Money is way more important.