Your $20 derankng smurfs are fun to play against

Please give us more free weekends with $20 sales. This game needs more smurfs on all levels. Leavers and trolls are not enough. Deranking diamond and platinum players are fun to play against. The are the epitome of fun.


its called…wait for it…THE REPORT BUTTON


Every free weekend make the game less enjoyable :ok_hand: thanks Blizzard really working on growing your player base there


It’s not the new players fault. It’s the messed up ranking system that’s to blame.


Smurfing is not reportable.


oh boy here we go again with another smurf thread

Smurfs aren’t that bad if you know how to counter the heroes they’re playing as. It’s not that bad to fight against a smurf player if you’re at a good position. As well not being picked off easily.

Also, pretty sure deranking diamond and plat players are deranking either from metas or just team coordinations aren’t working out.

Ya I know, the free weekend is supposed to draw in new players but if they are getting bodied by all the smurfs why would they want to keep playing?


Silly goose. Don’t you know? Smurfing isn’t reportable! For…reasons. ($$$)


Deranking and trolling low levels IS reportable and that’s the #1 reason to purchase a smurf account.


That isn’t smurfing then.

It depends on which “smurfing” definition you go by. Having two accounts, not against the rules. Throwing games to stay at a lower rank than you belong, bannable.

I would have never tried the game if it weren’t for one of those weekends. I am quite certain there are many like me. Can’t throw away the baby with the bathwater.

yeah. gotta make that dosh.

What do YOU call buying additional accounts? I call it smurfing, the rest of the world calls it smurfing.

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Yeah exactly, something needs to be done about sourcing and this game will be mostly fixed

Isn’t dosh the currency from Killing Floor 2?
Also, this song is…um…interesting.

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I call it teenage virtual profile anxiety.

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Not everyone smurfs.
You have:
Practicing heroes

I wouldn’t say everyone smurfs and they just want to attract more people to the game.

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This is encourageable behavior. Why else would they have been doing this for the past 2+ years?

I call it a greedy company that lost track, because smurfs are protected on all levels.

I am not even calling out all of Blizzard, just team Overwatch. Looks like they have to show everyone they can sell copies after that Titan failure.

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lol yea
kinda put dosh there cause kf2 is a fun game