You wanna play DPS?

LOL. Oh no whatever will I do without these forums. Yeah someone with over 2000 posts would probably… never mind. You are a sad person.

You are an incredibly selfish dps main masquerading as a tank player so you can have low queue time. The team with no shield tank is the team that loses +75% of the time. You’d be better off playing zen brig for heals than going two off tanks. Just because you don’t know the absolute basics of how to make a decent team comp doesn’t mean dps are wrong to want a main tank. 4-1-1 is 3x as viable as two offtanks feeding ults the entire game.

That’s not the best thing to do at all.

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You know. I had many games lost just because people were stubborn and didnt listen and didnt switch. If i see a problem in team composition I say it. I say what certain person should pick. I will usualy not force it tho. I just make suggestion and explain why. I dont care if someone is having bad game or someone is able to not do so much while we are doing ok as team. But if someone is doing poorly on his hero and is hard countered and team is losing because of that, or even if we have very bad team comp, i have no problem to say it and i expect some hero switching.


Why do you believe that? Elaborate.

100 percent of all my won matches have not been with me on voice comms. Not only that, but my winrate has done nothing but go up since i started staying out of voice chat. Regardless of your confirmation bias, why do you think our experiences are so different? Maybe because voice comms have nothing to do with our wins and losses? No, that couldn’t be it, right?


While its not impossible to win with no communication, that’s the exception.

Communication is a key component of teamwork, and teamwork is required to win.

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Being not in voice will not win more games. Its just individual thing. Someone who is active in voice and doing important call has bigger chance to win games. If you have problems to comunicate or focus while others talk, it can help you to win more games not being there i guess. But you always have to think about it as team game. You not being in voice can can be advatage for you but can be disadvantage for your team too at the same time.

This thread is a trainwreck.

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But it’s a team game?

The team who simply plays what they want will have a harder time against a team who pick heros that synergize with eachother, and this is moreso apparent with role queue since you don’t give your team a better winrate by existing as a healer or tank.

This is 100% correct. I’m a DPS main but I play all 3 roles, with tanks I only get questioned about Hammond but people usually apologize once they see me smacking the enemies around. As healer people almost never question me even though I know playing whatever healer I’m on is suboptimal.

With DPS however it doesn’t matter… can have 50%+ crit rate getting entry every fight with widow and win the game and some clueless tank/support will still question you about it. Not too long ago I got flamed for playing doomfist “for not doing anything” in which my team called that guy a god damn moron because I had secured both first and 2nd point on eichenwalde by myself getting 4 entry frags on point A and 5 on point B.


There is a difference between saying something once then letting it go and crying for 5 minutes about how terrible the comp and team is. My question is why do people take it upon themselves to tell everybody what to do? I’ve won many many games without a shield. Before role queue I’ve won many games with 6 DPS, no heal, no tanks. I’ve won many 5v6 after a teammate left. I’ve won in spite of a Mei repeatedly trying to wall teammates in and troll then eventually leave. I’ve even had games when someone was throwing and then decide to actually play after watching our team destroy the enemy. You know what most of these games had in common? No one was directing others in VC or getting tilted because the team wasn’t lisening to him. In fact, there was no one at all in VC in most of these games.

If you have friends that listen to your shot-calling, play with them. Just don’t expect people online to listen. And if nobody is listening, just let it go and try your hardest within the limited capacity you have. Stop blaming others for losses and you do what you can to contribute.

If a shield tank is so mandatory, why am I able to win repeatedly without one as long as there’s not someone in the VC complaining and b****** for 10 minutes?

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You sound like an extremely hateful individual.

I think it would be best if you stayed out of voice chat entirely, you’ve probably said some really inappropriate things



Wanna play tank or healer?
Don’t even dare to speak in any way disrespectfull to any team member, rather just close your mouth/chat field.

At least i can writte this without attacking the whole role. :sweat_smile:

Work on your attitude op, hopefully you don’t speak like this to customers.

I swear if i hear 1 more tank or support telling the dps to swap (which is one of the nicest things dps will ever hear) i’m instantly gona throw the game.

Or you know they can stay silent and play what they want.
And stop requesting the team to play what they want.


To reflect the hate onto dps, over to the others.
While the dps plays his difficult and skillfull role, tanks and support shall do theyr, easy braindead role and not throw like always. :sweat_smile:

Yeah equality :slight_smile:

Is it so wrong of me to fight for absolute democracy where no one has a right to tell another what to do?

You sound like a entitled non dps player…
Maybe a bit less passive aggression?

It reads itself as if you where really angry.

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How am I entitled when I’m fighting against the entitled people thinking they can tell other people what to do? I’m anti-entitled. That’s what this thread is about. Don’t tell me what to do as I don’t tell you what to do. I trust my teammates and ask for the same trust in return. I don’t believe people online are little children who need to be coached and directed.

You explizit say dps
And not, everyone, stop beeing a jerk to your team?

No you say:
Dps! Stop beeing jerks to the tanks and supports.

Yiu sound like only dps can be jerks, while the role has 0 todo with it.

Zen does fine healing a Pharah at Plat and below.

But Zen is very good in a barrier heavy meta because he is very strong at breaking shields.

In my experience (as a Zen main), people ask you to switch off because they are screwing up and are looking elsewhere to place blame. “We need two big healers” is normally an admission that the DPS or Tanks are playing badly.

But, I usually do switch, because Ana and Bap are fun, and I’d rather not have people focusing on ME as the scapegoat for their issues instead of themselves (if I really thought I was the problem, or that our other healer wasn’t doing enough, I’d have already switched). But once people start blaming heals, I figure the game is lost and I just switch to something fun to play that will placate the complainers.

Good players can often do wonderfully without healing with good positioning and smart play. Of course, this rarely happens, so good healing can be a boon to the team. However, I think “good healing” also teaches bad habits.

Which, in and of itself isn’t really a problem. I just want to win, and if “good healing” is what it takes, by all means I’ll do it. But in my experience, “good healing” doesn’t actually solve the problems teams are having.