You wanna know why that "trash" DPS isn't switching?

They do not. They have the mobility and burst damage to reach any healer wherever they are and get them unless that healer plays a hundred times better. They don’t punish mistakes, they are designed in a way that leaves very little room for most of them to win. Moira is here to stay and will deny them free kills that they can get on most supports

Yes. That’s a good literally what dive was. 4 flankers diving each others healers to get a quick elim on them

You cant pick a few characters to practice with? If your main isnt working, you should always have a plan b, or c.

yes on the top500 scene, where flankers are the hardest heros to play already

I got a plan B and C

Zen and Zarya

So the best tactic is to one trick a universal hero. You get to keep your SR bonus and avoid the need to switch most of the time. Completely not controversial to a game’s design and motto.