You wanna know why that "trash" DPS isn't switching?

bad strat as you use value compared to other dps heros like hanzo who will have an opportunity to kill her faster and win the teamfight with his ult ready for the next one

being forced to switch off by one hero is being hardcountered

any other dps hero would do better

which is already a lot when she has a small hitbox and a fade
but let’s just admit the whole team hides from moira ok

which is actually alot due to her no aim requirement, she deals overall more damage then damage heros

numbers numbers, without context it would sound like alot, or nothing, depends on the phrase, it HEALS HER 25 BLIZZARD PLS NERF
with her small hitbox it actually already makes her hard to kill if we forget her fade and other orb

if you land all shuriken and she has to be immobile and in your face bcz genji needs aim :slight_smile:

i’d like to see you do that, wanna duel?

and the video shows that

depends on how you use nade, but then again, moira not having utility is another design problem of hers

the avg accuracy at gold is 32%
genji deals close to 90 dmg
that’s 30~ ish damage? with headshots that occur at an 8% rate we’d be at what? 35 ish damage? she almost heals that
now with context:
if you get close to land all your shots, she’ll spam A and D and win overtime, if you land you combo she’ll fade and heal and win

because they are, my objective is to improve in order to win more and more, moira forces me to stop improving and pick an easier way out.


genji has 7 ?
mccree’s fb has 10
hog has 8
spam arrow has 10
dynamite has 10? everything that could kill her happens less freaquently

and then again, that’s a hero that cant deal with her due to how hard he is and how he needs to get close and personal with her, and her fade to do so

i’d like to see what elo you are

now i need to get on cooking, i’ll make this quick:
if a hero makes low elos require to outperform the current elo they are, it means that the hero is broken, and thats because that hero at the same skill level allow the player to perform at a higher skill level than the current level he’s at, meaning that players cant deal w him.
it’s called the mistakes threshold you can make, moira can allow herself to do alot of mistakes without being punished, meaning playing her is very easy and playing against her is very hard, until you’re good enough to take down those micro mistakes, which requires you to be a god at the game.


no you’re not, you’re trying to prove yourself right

i’m negative because there is a negativity to be.

after onetricking moira up to 700 sr higher then my rank my mind set about moira is how it needs to be

i’ve lost the day she (and again brig) was brought into this game, since then i couldnt play the heros i love and improve at my pace, i have to be a hanzo main now, up untill i get fed up and go back to skyrim

-> i’m getting edgier and edgier on purpose btw
there is a moira 9/10 games and in order to enjoy rhe game i’m forced to play heros i dont like, and thus i’m not having fun with this game anymore, started back when moira was added, deleted the game when brug was.

Dragonblade kills Moira in two hits, then Genji can go kill the other support plus whatever backline dps they have. By your words there, Hanzo should never even bother using his ult since he can potentially kill their entire team in under 6 seconds so long as he always headshots.

Who is forcing anyone to switch? The only flanker Moira consistently counters is Genji. If Genji has to switch off because of Moira, boohoo. If Tracer can’t figure out how to kill a Moira, she should pick a different main.

So play any other dps hero? I’m not seeing an issue here?

So for Moira to survive she has to blow her entire kit, wasting her heal ball on only herself so that if her team takes burst she can’t do crap about it and they will die. Sounds pretty balanced to me.

Only if you LET HER.

Moira is 25 feet tall, maybe try hitting her giant flappy feet instead of her tiny head?

I don’t play Genji. I play Moira, Zenyatta, Pharah, Symmetra, and Lúcio.

Again, low elo problem.

Why. Are. You. Getting. Close. To. Her?

Make her use her heal ball on herself so she can’t heal her team. Harass the crap out of her. You don’t have to actually kill someone to make them flustered or screw up their team. All you have to do is occupy her.

No. YOU force you to stop improving because everytime someone tells you how to deal with Moira you say it won’t work. You’re stuck in this negative mindset, which keeps you right where you are because until you’re capable of learning that EVERY SINGLE HERO has a place and can be useful, and until you’re capable of learning how to deal with a one-dimensional hero like Moira, you will never improve. Moira is considered a throw pick in Masters/GM play, dude.

No you don’t lol. Moira can’t heal her teammates if you’re headshotting them. You don’t have to kill the healer if her team is dead before she can heal them. Ignore her and kill the other DPS or the other healer. There’s nothing more frustrating as Moira when your team is dropping dead around you because they run out to get headshot by Cree or Widow or take a clip+helix combo from 76 and drop dead before you can throw your heal ball in their direction.

Depends on which account we’re talking about. I have two in gold and one in plat/diamond. I’m not amazing, I’m average or around there. I’ve never claimed to be GM, but I also don’t expect a game with a competitive and professional competitive scene to balance itself around mediocrity.

No, I’m really trying to help you get out of the jail cell you’ve put yourself in. But you insist on remaining negative and refusing to listen to anything you’re being told, so you honestly deserve to be right where you are.

You don’t have to be anything you don’t want to be. You’re deluding yourself into thinking that, and thus obviating your own enjoyment of the game. 100 percent your fault dude.

Maybe you need to take a vacation then, because she’s not going anywhere, and you’re not going to see improvement until you actually decide to stop whining and do something about it.

and by doing something about it you mean switch and abandon the idea of improving on flankers

Part of improving on flankers is learning how to deal with Moira, dude.

Oh, it is super important. If you were to read my body of work on the subject of teamwork, you would find that I stress this #1 at all times. Talk to people on your team and do this proactively. Just say hi.

You will get 10x at least better results of suggesting productive strategic changes to someone that you have already had at least a tiny bit of rapport building with, than you will with, say, someone that just randomly says ‘Widow plz switch’ out of nowhere in the middle of a match. Like, who is this person yelling at me? If it’s a stranger, that is one thing. If it is someone that I consider a friend and teammate, it is quite another.

Can confirm. I switch for nice people and if I do not switch when someone randomly asks me… Consider that a treat as it means I have decided not to throw the match instead. You should beg me to stay on Widow because I will go Doomfist if you do not shut that trap.

This is exactly why I don’t Play Mei anymore. I win more often when I play Moira.

So it’s fine for a support to always fill for a tank and become a tank main or a tank player always having to sop to support and become a support main? I’m sorry but is this lame excuse a joke. If it’s serious then I rely hope locked 2-2-2 comes in and punishes this type of selfish behaviour with long q times. Dps (once again not all dps players) but certainl the vast majority NEVER swop.

Luckily for us, you can keep dreaming. It is such a relief that they are backing down from that nonsense.

I don’t know if it’s a case of your naivete or my cynicism but I’m suspicious of the “hi” type friendliness for this sort of motive because that’s not any sort of guarantee they won’t then mistreat you. I’ve seen enough of it starting out “GLHF” to turn so quickly to toxicity.

There’s the “building rapport” a bit like the smooth talking mugger, he’s just being friendly with you before he pulls something on you. In this case, suddenly single you out for your hero choices.

Meaningless platitudes aren’t how you develop a rapport, and rapport is the furthest thing from friendliness.

You’re exploiting a hole in the golden rule of “Don’t impose on others what you wouldn’t want done to you” you think because your personal choice is fine with hero switching therefore it’s no violation of the golden rule to have them be compelled to hero switch.

You are still a stranger.

You aren’t someone’s friend because you said “hi” and other “friendly” platitudes.

Friends wouldn’t even do that to a friend, set the mob on them by singling them out announcing it to others that you’re effectively responsible for the team losing and you need to switch. Doing it in a cheery “lol, I didn’t do anything, tee hee” way doesn’t make it any better.

Seriously you remind me of bullies when I was at school, they are overly friendly and acting like you should trust them then they almost immediately prove you shouldn’t trust them as they try to screw you over.

Friendship is about trust and confidence.

You’ve proven they shouldn’t trust you.

I mean, yeh the rest of what you’re saying is basically what I said. Zen/Ana are much more easier to dive but offer a much greater variety of tools for their team. You trade this away when you pick more survivable supports that handle close range better.

You seem to be stuck on “Flankers should counter all supports” when that’s just not the game works. Flankers are strong against heroes that prefer ranged encounters or to stay away from the enemy. This includes Ana/Zen, but also heroes like widow/Ashe/mccree (if no flash).

Isn’t that what flankers do… Tracer-recall, Genji-dash deflect wallclimb our to get health pack and try again? :thinking:

Which is covered by playing as a close knit unit to easily fend them away from Zen, and brig can act as his bodyguard.

Yes. That was the point, the strongest options against deathball/bunker strats (ie mass aoe damage that healers can’t keep up with) are underpowered to the point of unviability.

I mean, you’re welcome to your opinion but I find fighting Genji/Tracer or Widow/Hanzo infinitely more frustrating and tedious to fight than any of these three.

I’m sure that’s exactly why dps Moira is so successful :expressionless:

I dont think you are understanding the point.

Please re-read the discussion and tell me where your reply fits in to all this?

The discussion was about skill triumphing over counter picks that’s all. which shouldn’t happen.

Yeah, but if going something else would make you win instead of lose…

And a lot of the heroes that people get angry about people not switching off are game-throwers in the wrong circumstances.

I get too many of them, but I don’t care

A perfect example of a contradiction in Blizzard’s own game design.

On one side they are all “this game is about switching and countering” but then SR system itself punishes you for flexing instead of one-tricking.

so before moira healers were just free kills? now u just need to switch off them that’s all
-> or play doomfist which will be my new main flank for now i guess

No, it doesn’t. You know what results in less SR loss than playing your main? Not losing the game!

Also, if your main hero is invalidated in certain situations (hard counters, bad on certain maps, etc.) you need to learn an alternative anyway. You should never exclusively main a situational hero.

I switched from mercy to an Ana main so I can better heal my team. If genji and Winston are good at harassing me I switch to Moira, if we need a defensive ult I go lucio. I don’t like playing any of these supports as much as I love mercy. If I switch for your benefit, you better switch for mine