You wanna know why that "trash" DPS isn't switching?

the fact that you put your childish hashtag makes your argument a waste of space.

Or, another PoV, maybe the DPS is trash because the tanks aren’t making any space or the healers aren’t doing their job properly. I know, ramblings of a madman.

I hate that this game rewards 1 tricking (or maining i suppose) due to the SR system and how it works.

I prefer having a diverse hero pool and having fun rather than sticking to one hero but good luck climbing that way.

Obviously people do it but you have to play a lot more.

that means that the game isnt based around skill, but rather about counterpicks, which is also what yu gi oh is based on, and games based around noskill mechanics are games that are frustrating and toxic

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Preach. I spend weeks flexing on to tank which i’m fine with, but then when it’s finally my chance to play DPS, it’s been forever since I’ve played it.

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in quick play, I agree 100%.

But I also have always said that you should hone your skills with a hero in qp before heading into competitive, at least until you’re comfortable on the hero

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That’s a loaded question.

That’s barely even a question, that’s singling out a player that you judge as being the problem and saying “switch”. But you’ve only phrased it as a question.

Like when I say “do you need to single out teammates with loaded questions?” says the same thing phrased as a question. The former is at least a less manipulative way of stating my view.

Everyone knows if they need to switch, when you ask such an obvious question it’s a loaded question and is just raising the idea that in everyone’s minds that they peer pressure expectation on them is to switch… NOT what they actually deem is appropriate.

That’s not respecting their choice, now you’ve brought up everyone else on your team to think “yeah they should switch… they’re the reason we’re losing! Gameplay Sabotage!”

People don’t need to be told to think for themselves.

ALl this does is have them think about what others are thinking, because you’ve drawn attention to them, now they’re far more concerned with pleasing - or not provoking - the hate mob mentality.

What they’re thinking about is “I know how toxic this community is, they will dogpile on me for my hero choice and this guy just singled me out on the issue of switching”.

No. it’s not because any response feeds the confirmation bias that singles out them as responsible for the entire team losing.

If they agree that confirms it, if they disagree “see, they’re in denial”.

They’re not going to take them disagreeing as proof. The rest of the team is going to think “they’re obviously clueless”.

I thought you said it was “perfect”, now you’re saying it could inadvertently introduce tilt?

How about this: you don’t say a single thing.

You know how toxic this community is, you know how easily they’re provoked to dogpiling on teammates, repeated open and flagrant abuse of the reporting system to accuse people of “gameplay sabotage” if they are singled out for “not switching”.

You don’t need to say a single thing.

What’s the downside if you say nothing: absolutely no downside at all.

Except you’ve just raised the idea to your other teammates that this guy is the problem.

You’ve singled out one player on your team.

You didn’t generally remind everyone, singling out no one in particular, the general benefits of switching. You singled a teammate out for negativity and you either don’t know or don’t care about how the rest of the team are obviously going to react to that.

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The game should not have hard counters

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This is pretty much the answer. I can deal with bad tanks and supports. But sometimes you just get some ungodly creatures that somehow crawled up to your rank and nobody is jiving with anyone and it is like, what do you want me to do? My only real recourse is to go Hog to tank and heal myself while still having access to instakills. Rofl.

No it is, it’s just that you don’t seem to recognise “non-aim” relates skills as skills. You should really work on that to understand what hero you should change to if you’re having trouble dealing the enemy composition. Also, you still have to be able to use said hero to a reasonable degree to counter the enemy =\ I’ve murdered countless Moiras/Brgs who believe the hype and think they’re unstoppable on McCree/Hog.

As for counterpicking, the downside is that, at least in the supports case, the trade off for survivability is ranged healing/damage amp/healing amp/sleep which are pretty hefty prices to pay. By forcing them to switch you’ve already done a good job.

Tbh I don’t know much about the mechanics of the Yu-Gi-Oh card game other than Exodia and d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-DUEL! Might not be the best comparison to a FPS with moba and other elements…

Knowing what works best at countering enemy compositions or dealing with the most effective part of the enemy offence/defense/sustain is a skill. The quicker you realise this, the quicker you’re a gonna be able to deal with it when it’s being used against you.

I can see why you think it might be frustrating. I sometimes just want to have fun and play me some Torb but have to accept that he is countered by everything… Likewise, I enjoy McCree, but he (at least when I looked last week) has the unenviable prize of having a negative win rate from Bronze to GM :frowning:

Not entirely sure what you mean by toxic.

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You’ve put a lot of effort into deconstructing my methods and approaches to communication.

I respect that.

I respect that especially because a lot of people just don’t seem to put a lot of thought (or any, really) into how their communications affect their experience of Overwatch. This is true both on the micro level (how your communications impact the match you are currently in) and on the macro level (how your communications shape the overall community experience of Overwatch).

I’m not especially happy with your conclusion, though. It sounds like you think we should ALL just be quiet and not talk to each other at all. I can’t sign off on that.

Just don’t single players out for negativity.

There’s plenty you can say other than saying that.

You can talk about yourself, you can talk GENERALLY about all sorts of things including switching, without singling anyone out. You can encourage people to switch and say “if anyone switches to something like X I’ll go y and work with you”.

Single out players for good things though don’t do the “thanks for switching” that’s getting everyone thinking “took them long enough to switch”.

When you see they switched to soldier, just acknowledge that there is a soldier and if you think it’s particularly good for this comp, IDK, say you can teleport them to high ground if they want.

I think your problem is you think because you’re being “honest” and don’t have any malicious intent, therefore you can’t possibly be causing a problem. You don’t WANT them to be lynched by their teammates, you wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t happen… but you wouldn’t really care if that did happen, right?

If they all decided to dogpile on them after your “perfect” comment you’ll tell yourself “not my fault, they shouldn’t be provoked to such toxicity over my innocent comment”.

Malice and Negligence are legal terms, though colloquially we often say whether a comment had malicious intent or not, too few consider whether their comment was negligent or not.

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i do, moira takes none, wiston takes a lot

it is, it’s a game where if u dont have the right card you lose by default

it’s not a skill if it requires no contineous thinking
and no, aim actually requires a lot of thinking

it’s what people become when they get frustrated too much

That does not sound like it was the Sombra players fault. It sounds like you guys simply were just not good enough but unwilling to take responsibility for it and wanting to use a scapegoat.

Or probably just complaining at the “1 trick” all game and already had prejudgments, which is also another reason for the loss.


I think you just answered your own question.

This is a team game. It is the responsibility of the team to support each other, not the individual to be blamed for “not switching”.

That player who is on that one hero is playing, and he is being “hard countered”, as people say, he has other teammates that can deal with the problem. Because that one player is probably taking care of YOUR counter as well.

Otherwise, if it is a game of only “hard counters”, then all the switching is still pointless, because one you switch, then opponent switches to counter you, so you switch to counter his counter, so then he switches to counter u etc etc,

Point is, “hard counters” does not simply exists, its just used as an excuse. One person cant “hard counter” an entire team.

What makes you think this?

I presume there’s more to your description because it’s already wrong (you’ve activated my trap card!). Can’t you just not fight the hero that counters you? Go try and kill someone else. Or change hero? If they’ve changed heroes to deal with you on X, you can also change to deal with them.

Again, maybe I don’t know the card game Yugioh well enough, but is there the a mechanic where if you don’t have the right card, rather than losing, can I just go through the deck and select one that suits the situation better?

What? That’s a… interesting… definition of skill. Would you say “thinking rationally” is a skill? If your current strategy isn’t working, won’t you need to think about what might work better? Drafting heroes in DOTA is a crucially important skill, as you may end up getting outdrafted and your win condition suddenly becomes almost impossible…

I dunno about you, but a lot of aiming for me isn’t something I spend much time thinking about. It’s usually reflex/twitch or tracking. If I’m playing Junkrat/Torb/Hanzo I might start thinking about what area to deny, or trying to guess where they’re gonna move to get them with projectiles. Target selection is probably something I think more about.

I hope this isn’t some new trend. It’s wearying enough seeing people throwing around the skill. I can only hope that thinking heroes isn’t the new hotness.

Then they should probably take a break and relax lest they start lashing out at people and thinking they’re justified in doing so. Remember, it’s only a game.


This trash dps aint switching because i utterly despise tank gameplay and only like Zen/Ana among the supports.

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That still doesn’t answer my question tho, the person I replied to was saying that a players skill should overcome counters. So again what is the point of switching or counters if that can be bypassed by just being skilled?

Reminds me of a game I played on Blizzard world with a toxic trio, with an especially toxic Widowmaker among them. All game long, they would blame me for the game not going well when I was doing just fine, unlike them. Of course, their tiny brain could not realize that and they just kept flaming and blaming me. Eventually, to shut him up, I went to tank and one of his buddies went to the damage role. What was a relatively close match turned into a complete steamroll (in the enemy’s favor). Unsurprisingly, the widowmaker still did nothing. Even more, they switch heroes six times in the span of three minutes.

I learned a lesson about switching just to please someone else (especially when that person is toxic) that day. Unfortunately, I would go to repeat that mistake in other games, only to realize my folly again. Never again.

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If I had 1 SR for every Genji who refuses to get off genji despite the entire enemy team countering him I would be top 500.

These are the same DPS that expect main tanks to swap off Rein/Orisa the second a Widow shows up…