You should delete all supports/tank or rework them into DPS

Remove healing and tanking from the game, make every character a DPS, and add more health packs to the maps. No more horrible queue times. No more having to pretend that the tank/support experience matters to the devs.

You could add more utility to the game (e.g. bridge/ramp builder), expand the tank support roster to even out the selection, etc… But nope. Another DPS with too many abilities that just ignores or craps on tanks and supports at will.

Just get rid of tanks and supports and just become Quake Champions already. It seems like that’s where it’s heading and there are less tanks/supports playing every day anyway.


1-3-2 went thru testing and they decided it won’t be added to base game, so I don’t think you have to worry

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But OP got a point. If we removed supports and tanks DPS queues would rapidly decline.


I’m not worried about it. I think they should do it. All six slots should be DPS with more health packs on the map.

They either don’t care about the Tank/Support roles or are too incompetent to make the roles work or be enjoyable to play. Make it easier on everyone and just make every role/character DPS.


How about just making Sigma/Orisa/Winston/Reinhardt do more damage?

Since that’s the true bottleneck.

So you want Overwatch; Fortnite Edition.


Then you’re just adding to the power creep.

It’s not really power creep unless it forces the DPS to require more damage.

More like an objective/ability based Arena Shooter. I don’t see what looting/not fighting/building up for infinite have to do with this.

Also, I don’t want it. I just think they should do it. I WANT for tanks and supports to be enjoyable and as important to the dev team as DPS. But, I don’t think they know what to do with the roles. So, sadly this is what I think they SHOULD do.

No… just no. This is OW, not CS: GOW. This ain’t Call of :poop:.

DPS are responsible for their long queue times. If they don’t like it, they can CS:GO play something else… :thinking: which should shorten the lines. :sweat_smile:

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Well unless they move away from 2-2-2.

Literally the only option they have is to convince more DPS players to play Tank.

Technically, sure, but that’s the last thing you’d want as a game developer.

Especially with lots of competitors popping up…

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Yeah, not gonna happen.

The way I see it there’s three paths they can take:

A) Convince DPS players to play Tank and Support by making the roles more enjoyable (Which I really don’t think they know how to do and am not sure they really care that much about doing it.)

B) Change the numbers of each role in Role Queue to feature more DPS and less Tanks/Support (Which will make the experience for Tanks and Support even worse than it already is.)

C) Give up fixing the Tanks/Supports and remove them from the game or rework them into DPS.

Personally, option A is what I wish would happen. However, I haven’t seen any reason to believe that they can fix or expand these roles. So, it seems like based on what we’ve seen that C is unfortunately the best coarse for them to take.

Hopefully, something drastic would change with OW2 that would make A more viable, but right now I don’t have a lot of faith.

ORCA, coming up with a new “Closed Plan”.

Sigh… I’m the only one here who is going to get Armored Core jokes…


No new healthpacks, just out-of-combat health regen.

Eff yo satellites homie!

Oh my god you knew

are you the savior, maximilian thermidor AKA Unsung?!

You mean Halo/Paladins style? I could see that working as well.

Based on your thread, I rewrote the logic for this thread: