You overbuffed Tracer

TIL Forums Tracer is widowmaker.


I wanted her to be buffed back again!
She was really helpful on my Elimination Placements!

Another clear reason why we could do with a refreshed balancing team that might do a bit of a better and quicker job than the one we currently have. I swear it feels like the ideas are being randomly picked out of a bingo machine or hat, or something like that, then in some cases they have the cheek to make out something’s a buff when it’s a bug fix (like Mercy’s recent change, for example), or sometimes disguise a nerf as a bug fix.


You’re saying a bunch of supports couldn’t 1v1 duel a damage character? Wow, that’s rare. If only there was a support that was able to easily put Tracer down…

Because they’ve made my favorite hero unplayable for over a year. Now it’s their turn.

That’s hardly a valid reason to have the game continue to be in an unbalanced state.

Then go back and help your healers? Thats my 5cent. And its her job to destroy the back line and pick them off. Just sounds like she did her job. Plus she could do this before her buff.

This has always been what good tracers do/did. You probably saw this in your game because for the first time in forever someone actually played tracer because she is actually viable after the buff, most people who were good with her didn’t play her prior because it was nearly impossible too manage all the cc and abilitiies that pose major threat. If you lose both supports in a fight early you should either back out and regroup or push aggressively if it might be winnable anyhow. Beyond that, if both healers are coming back and can’t pocket each other and handle a tracer 2v1 then the team needs to help make sure the spawn camping is shut down.
Also, tracer can be countered by a large number of the cast. Her kit is about being able to counterplay with nearly everything but only at the ability of the player. Ana, Zen, Brig, Lucio all can be utilized very well against her, moira deserved the nerf because her kit is far less mechanically demanding for as good as it is.

Tracer has always been able to one clip a turret, if followed with a melee. Torb can still be a tough encounter because of his E ability and the extra armor and dps he gets on command. In all honesty, I still believe doom is the stronger dive dps for a few reasons, but in the right hands tracer will always be devastating.


Even a good zen can deal with tracer, in fact this is probably the highest or close to the highest threat support hero for a tracer. discord and a couple hit shots and shes dead as long as you don’t autopilot and get yourself oneclipped.


Ye thats what I did before, discord orb and 1 headshot she is dead.

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I’m gonna hold all the comments I’ve made about this when people complained about Brigitte, but I’ll wait a little more and quote them in a week or two.

This will be very satisfying to see all the Brig haters calling Tracer too op and dominant. Eh.

I love paladins and bought the ultimate pack back in the day before it was sold to another company. Damn, this game is balanced and fun. Especially for me as a tank main, I have got so many choices of diverse characters.

Moreover, one does not need to touch comp as it is dead and useless, waiting time is a heart beat, teams are fun, toxicity is naught to zero. Good game!

Why OW has not died yet is clear as well: Quick-play is fun and the game on its own is very addictive. Comp gives the player the notion of superiority and reason to trample on others and thus boost their own morale whereas others feel downtrodden and betrayed. Some may argue, it was designed solely to serve this purpose, but I do not have proof.

Play Paladins for fun and Overwatch because you are either addicted, me, or for ultimate morale boost.

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The concept of “you deserve this” is so absurd. Are we all 6 or what? :joy: Grow up!

As far as making the game easier to balance goes, I think an overall problem is damage creep, or rather “kill potential creep”. And I don’t - or specifically don’t - mean by damage characters:

  • Too much CC that enables a kill, combined with a damage output (overall, not on one character, but applied to the whole team) that isn’t made for the amount of kill-enabling CC available.
  • Too much damage overall due to high damage output of healers/tanks coupled with overly burst damage output from too many DPS chars.
  • Ability to temporarily stack “enabling” abilities to overcome defenses against damage.

It’s no wonder that the type of defense that is able to break the above - stacked shields - actually became meta. It’s the only thing that works, and as Overwatch “breaks” from the overall kill speed it has right now, it’s necessary to use double shields to stay alive at all.

What I’d do is hence:

  • Deescalate. A lot. Less damage, less CC, longer CDs on CC- and burst-abilities, less interaction between abilities.
  • Find a way to make shields non-stackable so that you want to deploy them to cover area instead of add their HP together.
  • Rebalance healing for the new damage output.
  • Rebalance flanking (as a whole, before even looking at individual heroes) based on the new healing.

This forum is honestly hilarious.


nothing wrong with that, since reinhard teamwipes with 1 tip on LMB across the map

When i’m reading the comments and can’t believe how many arrogant, malevolent and simply selfish people here. They do not care about the balance, do not care that some hero is suffering greatly. “ME. ME! ME!!!” They do not care about all this, they just want it to be easy to play ALWAYS. And so that NO ONE and NEVER even tried to stop them. Otherwise, they trigger and start yelling like crazy. Because that’s all they are.


wait. Are you arguing in favor of tracer that she is not overbuffed and people want the useless tracer back so its ez to play again or are you arguing in favor of the whiners that its easy for tracer now. Who is arrognat, malevolent and simply selfish?

Honestly this isn’t the buff that she needed. I think her ultimate needs some kind of rework to bring her back into viability, but buffing her range was ridiculously out of line. Tracer is supposed to be a close range hero.

I’ve personally been playing a hell of a lot of Tracer later, and this buff has made her easy sauce for me. I won a 1v2 against a Brigitte and a Mei. Two people, I thought were her counters. Apparently not.

But realistically, did they overbuff Tracer, or did they overnerf Brigitte and Moira?
I think it’s the latter.

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brig and Moira?

welll… they overbuffed hanzo 2.0 , reaper, mcreee, doomfist and now tracer…
they want put all dps on the lvl of widowmaker.

they are making the game realy frustrating to play.

the balance changes was a lot better if they just nerf sigma + orisa shield stack. nerf widow, hanzo and doomfist AND revert mcree , mei and reaper (goats buffs)