You overbuffed Tracer

I’ve been playing zen and ana the whole day today. Haven’t played them since the game breaking df buffs. Will take zen/ana vs traced duel any day over the same match up against doom

Range buff means she can do full damage while staying out of range of most of her counters. No falloff damage, out of range for Brig to shield bash, out of range of McCree flash bang, out of range of swinging Rein…

and that affects her ability to get into the backline and spawn camp how?

Dumb balancing nothing to be said
Enjoy the consequences


lets buff a hero that is fine, and nerf all of her counters what could go wrong!?


Already started… every regular team game I’ve played today had 1 Tracer dominating and carrying. And thanks to the “great” matchmaking that has never and will never be fixed it’s usually the highest level player in the match.

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Good job Blizzard. let’s make the meta of overpowered DPS with no possible to play supports.

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She is still a terrible pick as long a s stacked healing is a thing. Pick road, reaper, mei into your comp and maybe not a zen as healer and run around as one blob. Big deal. She can only one clip when you deserve it.

so u mean 45 winrate and bottom 3 on almost all ranks is fine?

Feels like sarcasm. Is it sarcasm?

I haven’t really played that much, so I can’t say if it’s overly strong or not. But I will say the same thing I said when they considered Moira’s Fade buff - it goes against her design principle.

The idea is that Tracer is hyper mobile and deals a ton of damage with high survivability but to do this she has to get close and personal, giving her victims a chance to fight back with CC or melee attacks. If they keep buffing her range characters like Brig and Rein will have virtually no counterplay against a decent Tracer, and it’s when people feel it’s hopeless that they leave the game.


Well her counters have slowly been nerfed.

Torb’s power was shifted from the turret to the character, which inherently nerfs his anti-tracer power.
Tracer’s range-increase means McCree’s grenade is a non-issue for her now.
Symmetra’s turrets have been reduced in number and now in strength, making her mostly a non-issue due to lack of actual coverage, too.

Moira has been nerfed to no longer heal up fast enough to stand against Tracer.

And Brigitte is still a sad little shadow of what she was supposed to be as a protect-the-backline-support.


For a hero where the underlying core design is as “wrong” as Tracers, yes. Easily. Because ideally her entire implementation would be scrapped and the art-assets recycled for a far better designed hero.


That’s a fun thing to hear from someone with a Brig icon.
Also, support players deserve this.

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Man, this post is either bait or gold iq confirmed. She didn’t need any buff to spawn-camp supports. Probably she can’t do anything if they have awareness though (maybe stick them). Also your team willing to take a fight 4v5 without supports is something else :joy:

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Honestly I’d much much much rather get killed by a good tracer than doomfist, I’m just glad people have a reason to play something else.

Thats not to say the game isn’t being completely sabotaged by power creep but its more playable than it was yesterday imo.

I see how you have nothing to say and you try to hurt me in any way, as teenagers do. It won’t work out for you.

That is why no one will take people like you seriously.


You mean Sombra, who, unlike Tracer, never had buffs without simultanuous nerfs? A hero who never had positive winrate to begin with? Not even in GM, nor in OWL?

But yeah, let’s buff Tracer, our poor girl can’t blink around with no contest and counters.


Why do they deserve this?

Because HE wants it. This is the only reason.