You overbuffed Tracer

While yes, she does have a lot of tools to get her out of sticky situations - it’s whether or not the player can actually use them.

If you don’t have good map knowledge, or knowledge of where you will end up after each blink, chances are you’re not going to be able to escape effectively.

This is the reason why tracer’s winrate has ALWAYS been low at most ranks. A player can have great mechanics, but if their overwatch brain is a potato, chances are they’re not going to be able to play tracer very well.

There’s so many things you need to be keeping track of when playing tracer - ability cooldowns, priority targets, knowing matchups, when to be aggressive and not, where you can position yourself to be as safe as possible - and the fastest way to get yourself there. All this has to be done rapidly, on the fly, so you can increase your impact on the match.

I still don’t really think anything about tracer means you can have low gamesense and positioning to still do well, and live. A bronze-gold level tracer isn’t going to be doing much, because A) Their mechanics obviously aren’t as good, but B) They lack the knowledge to play her effectively.

Idk, just my opinion.

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I’m just saying her floor is different from her ceiling. Having great positioning and gamesense make you a much better tracer. However, since skill is relative, the minimum skill required to get value out of her in the first place is a bit lower than some suggest.

Skill is relative. A bronze tracer will be facing bronze opponents, almost none of whom can aim for beans.

Lets put it this way. there are many tracer mains in bronze and silver who have no business in gold and will likely never get there. However, they are fully capable of sustaining their current rank.

IMO the low rank loss-rate for Tracer is a bit inflated because of her steep learning curve. Lots of people try her out, lose, and then swap to a more effective hero. When they swap back too late in the match, they add to her loss statistic.

After a few rounds like that, they stop picking her to get their SR back, then try again. This cycle adds to her negative win rate on both ends.

I’m not saying it’s anything huge. If the overall effect was more than 1 or 2% I would be stunned. But it’s a factor in there somewhere.


They are dead the Tracer killed them

All Tracer get is just a range buff where, mind you, didn’t have anything to do about her damage. She always did the same damage as before, just a bit more effective in long range.

Wow, which healers is that? Like literally, every healer except Zen and isolated Mercy can deal with tracer. It’s not Tracer’s fault that your team get such a bad healer.

Tracer can’t one-clip torb’s turret, she has to do her combo for that. Moira never counter Tracer (as Tracer can always defeat her when Moira throw damage orb), at the same time Tracer doesn’t counter Moira (as Tracer can’t kill Moira if she throw heal orb and give Moira enough time to kill Tracer.) Tracer vs Moira is a fight of which one is more skilled than the others.

Plus switch to Ana if the tracer is really that annoying. Landing a sleep on Tracer is a death sentence for her. Unless you are you know… Bad at Ana. If so, that Tracer deserve that kill.

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why should mccree or torb have so much power ???

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So you know Tracer is op after like 2 hours of gameplay lol


That does make sense actually. I see what you’re getting at. But the way tracer’s been for a while, players at those ranks won’t know how to play a tracer into a hero like moira, and will likely just be throwing.

Yes, skill is relative, but I still don’t think a bronze tracer is going to be doing much work against a team with a bronze moira on it.

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Tracer hard counters doom. You can’t play doom into tracer.

You mean they nerfed a hero that had such insane duel potential for no reason while giving Tracer a chance to play in an environment where her old style of hard-committing won’t work anymore? Say it ain’t so. It’s the reason why Dive has been dead for so long and was never a counter to any comp after the KB changes came into the game. It’s because characters that have to hard-commit (Tracer and Winston for example) get punished because it’s too easy now to either boop them or avoid them.

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That just isnt true. The play between Supports and Tracer was always a skill based matchup. There’s a reason why Zen players still existed despite Tracer being hard meta. The mindset back then was either straight up be better than the Tracer, or get peel from the off tank. The issue in the current meta is that there literally is no off tank to peel, and people aren’t used to playing against tracer.

Although 13m is a bit much, 12 or 11.5 would likely be more balanced. But i’d much rather have this, where Zen is at least playable, opposed to Doomfist metas where Ana is insanely hard to play because it’s hard to counter play something you barely see come at you, and Zen is just straight up a free kill in under 2 seconds.

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Imagine thinking Tracer’s spread is bad at 10m where her old falloff is.
You can still one-clip+melee someone from that range if they have a McCree/Pharah+ sized hitbox.

But I can see you’ve NEVER played Comp, so I don’t expect you to know much regarding proper balance.

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You’re gonna take 1 example and claim that she’s OP now? yeah ok

Tracer is designed to kill pretty much all of them without issue. Tracer wins against equally skilled or less skilled supports in a 1v1 for the most part. The support has to be significantly better than the Tracer to win.


between reaper and tracer its going to be a nightmare to tank

just nerf reaper for once too for god damn sake

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Moira is not a Tracer counter. I still disagree overall, that they overbuffed her, but I will support your argument because I am big on MUs and they ain’t no way, fam.

At least it’s a change from a smurfing Genji or Doomfist constantly obliterating your team? right? right?

the moira match up is literally unchanged.
moira is still the best support rn
if anyone got messed up hard by this it was the targets she can evade easily, like zen,ana or sym

Its almost like shes a flanker who is supposed to be able to get to the backlines and harass and camp things.

let me ask you this, how did a RANGE BUFF maker her more capable of getting into the backlines and camp?

Mayhaps you just don’t remember playing against tracer and have to get reacclimated?

At this point, I can’t even tell if these are troll threads or not lol

There’s a select group of people who don’t want Tracer remotely playable, and they’ll conjure up any excuse (including the occasional fictitious one like ‘she one-clipped me from across the map!’) to try keeping her down.

This is true for many heroes, though I’ve always felt that Tracer gets the worst of it since her mobility exploits a common enemy weakness: their refusal to learn how to aim. It also doesn’t help that Tracer was supposedly a favorite among smurfs back in the day. Maybe she still is.