You overbuffed Tracer

I’m referring to now after her most recent buff. Not tracer traditionally

Pretty sure still now, too. I think she’s positive in GM and even at best in Masters, but it’s a bit early to use stats sites.

then why did you bring up stats in the first place?

Because historically these forums have shrieked and shrieked about her dominance despite her being a bad hero in the average posters’ ranks, and once more the complaints are pouring in for a hero that still isn’t especially strong.

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Sounds more like you’re citing stats and only mentioning they’re flaws when they don’t represent what you want them too.

I have no problem with tracer but other heroes are getting worse and worse due to her power-creep and that needs be addressed.

They don’t represent what I want them to? Pretty sure that disclaimer was for the benefit of honesty, because the week-old stats still show Tracer is a horrible, horrible hero to choose for the vast majority of players.

How about this, though. What do you define as “blinking unchecked”?

Back when people complained about Tracer the first time, they weren’t really complaining about how often she won or anything like that. The only time winrate and other stats really became relevant was when talking about OWL because it often seemed like matches were decided by who had the better Tracer/Widow.

For the most part, the complaint about Tracer were more of a matter of how it feels to play against her. At the time, there wasn’t a lot supports could do. So they kinda had to get use to one-clip + melee or getting stuck with Pulse Bomb or dying before they could react or do much of anything against Tracer. Her damage and Recall were most of the complaints, and that was because of one-clips, one-clips + melee and how she could Recall to bring herself back to max health while the Zen is stuck with 75HP left.

I mean skill dependent in that a support would usually need a higher skill than the Tracer to win, because their kits mean that the Tracer has the advantage. It’s still skill dependent, just not a mirror match.

And that’s quite bold to assume that the Tracer has perfect accuracy. If she’s managing to do 240 damage fast enough that the other support can’t sustain a damaging friend, then yes, she should win the fight.

Supports should have a fighting chance against a Tracer, but it shouldn’t be 50-50 win-loss, and it should be based on who’s more skilled at their own character. A support with 1000 hours who knows how to use their offensive capabilities should beat a Tracer with 100 hours who might not play her all the time.

But, a flanker like Tracer’s job, in general, is to deal with the backline and this Tracer change helps her from being just a nuisance/distraction to an actual threat.

But Tracer kills also DPS and tanks. Bc of range buffs.

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I’l never understand how you can feel worse about Tracer’s pitifully easy to kill self in a game with Widowmaker and Doomfist. Getting one-clipped means you were literally standing still or walking in a straight line. She puts herself in enormous danger to attack you; most supports can kill her very fast, and her damage output is bad the moment she has to reload, which she will because no one paying attention gets one-clipped and most supports have escapes or self-healing.

Do you know what 90% of my experiences with Tracer are in GM? Her opening fire on me as Baptiste and doing maybe half my hp before I’ve superjumped out of reach or forced a retreat by hitting her once, or me healing the squishy she’s firing at and her being unable to beat my healing output on a target that is being evasive (with Immortality as an emergency out if she gets them too low or uses pulse bomb). Another 5% is watching her tickle tanks and wondering why she’s even bothering before Sigma’s AoE damage forces her to retreat for healing. She is fragile, offers no threat whatsoever to double barrier tanks, does not benefit from the enormous healing output her supports can put out, and does not offer enough damage output to be worth all the effort.

I mean, her sole job isn’t to deal with the backline, it’s just what most flankers like to focus on.

And you act like other DPS characters don’t kill tanks and DPS all the time? With her buff, she’s one of the better DPS at the moment, but that doesn’t mean she’s OP. At least not in my eyes.

Bc other DPS have weakness and counterpicks.

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McCree is especially good against her. Mei/Pharah/Torb. Widow/Hanzo if they’re good. Roadhog.

His “skill combo” is useless against tracer.

tracer can hide from her. Pharah can fly away from tracer.

If he has time to protect turret.

  1. tracer can hide on long range. And kill widow on a short.

The hope remains…

Free ult charge.

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She isn’t some unkillable god, no matter what you might think lol.

Any of those interactions you listed could happen, but if Tracer is hiding from someone, she’s not being effective elsewhere. McCree’s combo still works fine. Roadhog can hook and one shot her. I didn’t mention her, but a Mei headshot can kill her in one go, and with ice block, she has more sustainability in a poke fight with Tracer.

I think we just need to adapt to her new style, which allows Tracer a bit more breathing room, and once we do, I think that most people will realize she’s fine (but, since it’s Tracer, others will always see her as an unkillable god.)

A good chunk of the complaints about Doomfist are the same complaints people have about Tracer. They’re one of the same, really. They both flank around and prey on supports. In both their times of being meta, there wasn’t too much those supports could do about it. People complained about them being too survivable and how even their supposed counters weren’t effective. The main difference is that instead of complaining about one-shots and CC, for Tracer it was one-clip + melee and Recall.

And for someone as “pitifully easy to kill” as Tracer, she has fewer deaths and a higher K/D ratio than Doomfist. Another hero people like to tout as an unkillable god. Honestly, a lot of their stats are pretty close together.

About the same elims.
Tracer gets more objective kills but Doom gets more final blows.
About the same damage.
Tracer has less deaths.
Doom gets more shields than Tracer self heals.
About the same amount of kills with their ults (though Doom’s is slightly lower by 0.2).

Like, Doom and Tracer are very similar. More similar than I think people realize.

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Tracer is the cover girl, what did you expect?

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Tracer is better balanced now. Because she gets one shotted, she needed some range. If your team is not killing tracer, it means they cant aim.

She is an abomination.

7m range. It’s not work anymore.

And tracer can blink away.

I assume you’re right, but tracer has mobility to run away and attack when Mei is distracted/wounded/dead.

Yeah. 31 character has to adapt for 1 “not OP” character.

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Most of the stuff that one shots her is ranged though so I’m not sure how giving her more range would help. It would be different if the one shots were a little more then melee range.