[ BUG ?] - You Nerfed Mercy's Self Heal?

In OW1, Mercy heals 20 HPS after 1 second of not taking damage

In OW2, the other supports got the same passive but for only 15 HPS after 1 second. To compensate Mercy, they changed her passive to increase the healing of the Support Passive by 50%. Thus, last beta Mercy got 22.5 HPS after 1 second. A very minor tiny buff to her OW1 passive.

This beta, however, they nerfed the Support passive to not kick in until 1.5 seconds. Does this mean Mercy’s self heal now takes 1.5 seconds to kick in? If so, her self heal is now much worse than it was in OW1.

Kinda frustrating that she’s getting nerfed just because the entire role got her passive. which already made it inherently less valuable on her because other supports have self healing abilities on top of it.

Would love some clarification on this if it’s intentional or just an oversight

Also does anyone know how to test this in game and see?

Edit: Confirmed nerfed:


Other than doing some calculations in Training mode, idk. As far as I know, the support passive got changed to 1.5 sec cd, nothing else is mentioned about it so technically, her passive should still heal more but take 1.5 sec to kick in.

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Oml they should just give her a newer + better passive, it’s kinda stinky at this point anyway and no longer unique to her as everyone has it


I don’t have beta access but it should be like this.
After 1 second she starts healing for 15 hp. And after another 0.5 seconds it goes up to 22.5 hp.

That’s why I wasn’t a fan of role passives when they announced them. It makes them less unique and some heroes benefit more from the same ability. I think it helps Ana the most and Mercy or Zen the least probably.

Edit: My brain was afk. I forgot Mercy’s passive no longer heals herself. Then her healing should srtart after 1.5.seconds. Yep she’s nerfed.


I really hope that they fix this :sob: She is already the worst support in OW2 and they nerfed her mobility AND her self heal this patch? So badddd ahhhh

Agreed at this point. Would be a cool passive where all of her abilities leave a “lingering” affect on teammates. When you take heal beam off someone it leaves a small heal over time on them, same with damage boost, would really encourage and promote beam juggling and supporting the whole team instead of pocketing

Could even make it so when she GA’s through allies they get a minor speed buff or something

Hmmmm…that wouldn’t be TERRIBLE but still weird that she got her self heal nerfed


Really hoping the “mid beta patch mercy changes” are more than just ga changes…

Still don’t think the other supports should have mercys passive, let alone have the rest of the supports be too strong with her passive so that they get it nerfed for mercy as well… :upside_down_face:


i just tested it self healing starts after 1.5 seconds


Me too. But we know they won’t be lol.

Her GA was the ONE part of her kit that DIDN’T need changes. Her heal, rez, damage boost, and ult all could have gotten changes instead. So lameee

OOOF that’s really bad


I imagine it’s unintentional, as even Tracer and Genji kept their OW1 speed passive after the DPS passive got changed. They seem to only do changes from what exists in OW1 when it’s a deliberate balancing move.

That said, Mercy exists alongside Torb and Symmetra as heroes that seem to get very odd balancing decisions because of how strong they are on consoles and in very low MMR casual situations. So who knows, really. Maybe Mercy became invincible now that she can spam superjump when played by bottom 500 nintendo switch players that only use motion controls, so they nerfed her passive accordingly.


Hopefully so, I’m gonna try to keep this thread fairly active so that someone on the team potentially sees it

Literally Ana is the most broken she has ever been because there are fewer shields and she has the self-heal passive. A smart Ana will never need to 'nade herself (unless y’know a flanker gets her). And, every support literally already had a (better balanced) self-heal in their ow1 kit. role passives are not a great idea imo

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Yeah it does feel really bad watching the other supports who already have self-heal abilities getting this passive making them SUPER good, like Lucio Brig Ana Moira all benefit EXTREMELY from this role passive, while Mercy gains nothing and Zen’s gain from it is kinda meh (hence why they buffed his HP and gave him that kick)


Just curious, does this HoT only activate if you’re out of combat? or only when nothing has hit you? I didn’t really play other heroes last beta lol

I never truly tested it on Moira as I was too busy playing Mercy on 1st beta. But, if I was fighting someone with RMB and they were completely ignoring me and not shooting at me (lets face it that rarely happens if you’re attacking as Moira lol), would that count as her in “combat” or would she be getting the passive ontop of that? or does it only work out of combat, bcs Moira works a bit different as she gains heal from her own weapon. hope somebody knows the answer bcs I’m very interested in how this goes lol

The regen?

All supports now have Mercy’s passive basically where they get 15 HPS after 1.5 seconds of not taking damage. So this has made Moira, Lucio, and Brig much stronger because they can avoid damage (fade, put shield up, speed away) and it also stacks with their other self heals

You will get the passive healing, unless they hit you with damage

So you will get the 15 HPS passive regen + your right click self heal


I’ve had to heal my Mercy so many times this beta because of this… And i’ve never had to heal a Mercy on my team except in rare situations.


Ahhh okay, thanks.

I think for all the heroes that aren’t Mercy, they should make it so it only activates if they are completely out of combat e.g them not attacking either lol.


Yeah playing her this beta I feel like I’m dying a lot more often, didn’t know if it was just bc of the superjump change but this makes complete sense

I hope the changes for Mercy also include something addressing this, with junkerqueen throwing out damage over time that lasts for a few seconds and a shotgun that can consistently hit her its a lot harder for Mercy already to start regenning hp, a nerf to how long it takes to start as well really hurts her

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If I can get Beta 1 movement back I really don’t care about this.

Nerfing Lucio’s crossfade self healing specifically to compensate for the support passive to then nerfing the support passive with no mention of Lucio is pretty funny though.

Yeah, I think it’s definitely more of an oversight than an intentional change, I just hope we can make them aware of it in time for the mid-cycle patch!

Luckily I think the regen power for him at least mainly comes from it kicking in and healing him while he’s speeding, but yeah it’s frustrating when these things don’t get addressed lol

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