Wow. Worst argument I’ve seen thus far.
“It wouldn’t be true mystery if hero stacking was removed”
You have a 1 in 26 chance of getting the same hero every time you die. You could remove stacking and then you have a 1 in 21 chance of getting the same hero. That’s still pretty mysterious to me. You know that they can’t get what their allies have and that’s all. That leaves 21 other heroes and that’s mysterious to me. I don’t see how it isn’t to you.
It’s not a “if you don’t like it, don’t play it” scenario. I like it. I just don’t like the common chance of going against stacked heroes on the enemy team. You could use that argument for anything. Doesn’t mean it’s not able to be criticized fairly and openly.
So I get that a lot of people have strong opinions about this, but can we take a moment to take a look at how everyone is looking at everyone else’s opinion?
Those of you who like hero stacking, those of you who don’t, you’re each "yuck"ing each other’s “yum” instead of recognizing that you enjoy different things.
There’s no point going on the attack against what other people enjoy. I for one enjoy hero stacking, but I’d also like to play a mystery hero gametype where hero stacking didn’t happen.
Zany scenarios in game are fun, so is having some control taken away from you and being forced to play creatively and in team compositions you’d never see if people were picking heroes.
To those of you saying “there’s Quickplay and Comp if you don’t want hero stacking” one could easily say “there’s a gametype literally called No Limits if you want hero stacking”. It doesn’t make sense to try to put down someone’s position just because they don’t like what you do, especially not with an argument that’s so easily turned about.
Ye, we all enjoy different things. For me mystery heroes is the only arcade mode i enjoy.
An idea would be for the game to try to balance so your team atleast has 1 of each type and max 3, dps/tank/healer. It could still end up with 3x Lucio + 2x Mei + Winston or something, but slightly less imbalanced.
Having 6x dps vs team with tanks and healers is kinda bad. All you can do is either really outplay other team or suicide to get another hero for more even match.
But that is also part of the charm when you win against the odds. So dunno if it would be as much fun total without that.
Ive been on the recieving end of 2x pharah/2x mercy/rein/zen when our team had no hitscans which was a nightmare. But even then I thought it was fun to fight the odds even though we lost.
I don’t mind hero stacking as long as we get at least 1 tank and 1 healer. It’s really no fun to lose because RNG wasn’t on your side. And don’t tell me to play another mode. Mystery heroes is the fastest way to earn loot boxes. (Most XP gain in arcade mode)
I agree with this one of the biggest reason I like mystery heroes is because I can try new heroes and learn them without just being pummeled all the time because the enemy team is in the same position I’m at, I can’t do this is in quickplay because too often I choose someone I never play like Genji or Sombra but surprise surprise there’s someone who’s actually good at that character or that character’s counter and all that happens is I just die the whole game and learn nothing (on top of probably being t-bagged every time I die and my team getting angry at me the whole game even though I’m only just trying to learn), but I still can’t do this in mystery heroes if they have so much stacking I can’t even see through the choke point (I’ve read a few people saying they’d like assault maps removed and I agree, maps such as volskya with such a hard choke point just don’t really work that well in this mode in my opinion), I also personally find it boring to be standing there for the next 5 minutes shooting at two Orissa shields at the choke point in hanamura because we have no characters that can climb or be mobile and even if we did, it doesn’t matter because they’ve got bastion hiding behind the corner being pocketed by mercy, that puts me in the mood and thought process of “well, might as well sit here until time runs out because what else can I do?” And that’s not what I came to mystery heroes for (while if I choose to play no limits and something like this happens my team and I can try to come up with our own stack to counter the stack), I just personally think that we have plenty of heroes now that we can be past the point of stacking and the game still be fun especially considering you can still have scenarios such as one team has all tanks and one healer while the other team has all dps and one healer or something, challenging but still doable, I just honestly don’t see the fun in having to sit there and fight three roadhogs an entire match, but again like everyone else this is just my opinion I’m no expert or anything
personally my favorite mode is total mayhem, but I pretty much never see it anymore so I play mystery heroes the most while I’m waiting for TM to come back around haha
They talked about giving mistery heroes some ‘‘logic’’ to make less broken comps that it’s almost impossible to beat with what you’re given.
Knowing how long they take to introduce stuff we might see that next year or around 2020.
Even with random op comps mistery heroes is great tho, the only mode that i’m safe from the one-tricks.
By manipulating the randomness, we head towards control.
Jeff, if it’s easy to flick a button, just have two versions. Manipulated or random. I say manipulated because not everyone has the same definition of equality, balance, etc.
So we stop stacking. Then what? Does everyone want 2-2-2? Okay. Then people start arguing that the 2 for healers is too limited. Then everyone asks why they can’t play Torb because according to the meta, his category isn’t one of the 2-2-2.
But then, if Moira’s not healing, can we get a 2-1-3, Jeff? Or better yet, let’s have a 1-1-1-1-1-1 when two people get to play their mains because they really just want to play their mains and want to achieve golds/cards in Mystery Heroes?
[sigh] When did everyone start forgetting this is a game?!
Personally, I don’t enjoy hero stacking.
But, I can understand why some do.
The reason I think hero stacking is far more problematic in mystery heroes than in ‘no limits’ is two fold:
- In no limits you can choose applicable counters when faced with difficult to break comps, especially when stacking on any hero can lead to weird and difficult to break circumstances.
- Ult economy momentum is exaggerated in mystery heroes since all progress is lost when you die.
If the other team pulls a strong comp, you can really spend a few lives getting rolled mostly because of the heroes the game draws for you and each time this happens the other team increases their momentum and ult economy while you are stuck.
This can be far more frustrating than running into a difficult comp in no limits since you can immediately swap to a good counter choice.
That said, I probably play more mystery heroes than anything. And often it’s because at least then I know my random teammates aren’t intentionally making poor strategic or selfish hero selections.
I’m sorry but I really don’t think that’s true, I have a lot of patience and I’m open to a lot of things, when I play by myself I pretty much exclusively play arcade because I like the player’s behavior and just in general all around vibe people who play arcade (makes me feel like I’m in the old OW days where it was about having fun instead trying to prove some kind of point all the time and being mean about it haha) have compared to QP and competitive. Even when I’m frustrated that they have a stack of three of one hero and I want to disconnect or whatever I don’t, I stick with it and try my best with every hero I get (I like to play MH to try and learn new heroes, so might as well try to learn something with them while I’m failing epically against a stack right?
) and to the best of my abilities and knowledge I try to use new and creative ways to get around them but a lot of times it just doesn’t work like that. I like to play mystery heroes to try and learn new heroes and I can’t do that in QP (and obviously not in competitive) I would be more open to doing it in QP if I didn’t have to deal with trying to fight people that are just way too high a level with that character or that character’s counter (I just end up dying the whole game and pretty much learn little about them or their playstyle) and dealing with a lot of people’s bad attitudes, it’s already hard enough and frustrating enough to try and learn on a new character against people that are playing with characters they are skilled and are comfortable with but add on top of it the enemy players who will constantly t-bag and “gloat” or whatever for killing you and then also you’re own team for getting mad at you for not playing as well as the rest of them, it makes the experience just completely downright frustrating. The other thing I disagree with is you’re making the stacking sound like it happens way less than it actually does, like I said I have a lot of patience and I’m open to a lot things, my favorite mode is total mayhem where I spend all day playing 20 to 30 minute games that drive my friends crazy (hence why I usually end up playing arcade alone), if stacks in MH happened as little as you make it sound, I wouldn’t mind it at all (especially since most of the time the way I deal with any frustration I get with the stacking I tell myself next round my team may get the lucky stack and just deal with it this round, but that only helps so many rounds) but it happens all the time, I would even be willing to do some kind of experiment where I play MH all day and record all the stacks I am forced to go against in detail if I had to. This is happens frequently enough that it even bothers me and I know nobody here knows me, but I know myself and I know something is wrong if I find myself getting frustrated in an arcade game.
It happens infrequently enough that I just pass it off as a quirk of the game mode. Part of the fun of MH is random stuff happening. Reducing that random element would take away some of the charm of MH.
it needs to go…speaking of which…i need to update my log of games basicallly pointing out exactly what youre saying…heres my upvote
Hmm I agree but my biggest reason for disliking it is because whether it’s hero design or game design or whatever reason, there comes a point where creative planning doesn’t work and that’s why I can’t really be okay with the stacking and if that happened every once in a while sure I’d be okay with that but it happens all the time, I’m more than fine with a challenge, I would like that, but playing against three bastions, a mercy, and a tank on a map like oasis or hanamura, or volskya isn’t a challenge, it’s unfair odds that I find unnecessary
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You guys revived this for some odd reason. Now the post got locked and they edited the title.
nearly a month later.
mystery heroes is the only tolerable game mode in arcade for me and that just barely, so really it is only game mode i can play to get the three loot boxes and i leave alot of games if i see our team getting rolled
it is no fun to get completely rolled because game gives your team characters they cant play or enemy gets insane stacking so i leave and reque and once i get three boxes i avoid arcade, removing stacking might get me to stick around more
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Last night I got 3 bastions 2 orisa 1 mercy on the enemy team. It was game over pretty much as they steamrolled us on Kings row.
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Hero stacking is even worse in MH, because you can’t stack the counter picks.