You need more problems then your players can solve/counter

I think this is a solid bit of advice to the OW dev team.

It works in so many good games because as a player you will never fall into a mundane pattern if what ever strategy you currently pick has huge weaknesses to it.

So think of having more conditions and problems for the player to face.

I believe shields fit into that category but it seem some would do away with shields even though it has been part of the game since the beginning. Now you don’t even need dedicated shield break heroes since most can do it in seconds.

I figure high tier will always optimize the find whatever composition gives the least counterplay.

Trying to balance the game in such a way that it avoids that, is a lost cause.

Devs are better off putting their efforts into something that’s equivalent to a player-selected ban system, for high tier games.

Oh I know they will always find the most optimum solution but what I’m saying is by giving them enough problems that there will always be a selection of things they have to sacrifice in that particular comp regardless on how optimized it is.

Well, they could make those choices actually have weight.
Pick system, instead of Bans