You know what's the worst thing about the 3-2-1?

Actually, that was DPS too. Hte problem always has been the huge population difference between Tanks and Supports vs DPS.

dps weren’t advocating for 222. theres a huge difference there.

That doesn’t mean though 2/2/2 role - lock was first designed and implemented into OWL though… Not even close actually.

He is a pro player, so naturally, he will be able to get insight first concerning the OWL and the pro scene :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

That’s one of the two, yes and I didn’t avoid it, I just pointed out for the second time that calling people out and their views just because you disagree with them doesn’t in any way for a counter - argument…

No problem.

We weren’t able to enjoy the vanilla experience in the first place and that’s why we had to use systems like LFG, etc.

That’s no contradiction. Please, I think this is a very easy statement to understand… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Of course I and many other people did. But, at the end of the day it was nothing but a flawed cover - up of all the problems we were facing with the game and that’s why after one year of continuously using it, I quit, just a few months before 2/2/2 role - lock was implemented…

For the 4th time, I didn’t have the chance to enjoy the vanilla, solo - queue experience, without all of the fundamental problems and overall unfairness systems such as LFG cause.

Exactly. There were never enough players. But not overall players as you’re suggesting, but Support and especially Tank mains, who along with the much larger amount of DPS, caused all these imbalances and therefore long queue times.

The majority… According to who exactly??

These are not stories I’m talking about. I’m using the word “anecdote” in the context of argumentation, as follows:

Ehh… No.

Try again. :slightly_smiling_face:

They were though? DPS players got shafted with GOATs

it does. it had been handed to them internally on their scrims long ago. they had it before the leak.

it is a counter argument. it says that players shouldn’t have to play meme game modes to get a quick match. the argument is that i shouldn’t have to play outside of normal comp and quckplay to get a match in a decent time.

you not liking how overwatch was originaly played is not an argument.

that’s like saying i don’t like double shield as a strat, therefore they should force you to only use one shield.

the flaws you perceive as flaws. many many many more thought the game was fine.

that’s the point you selfishly believe your experience and what you want is more important than the masses and want to control others gameplay experience

no its overall players just like i was saying.

the dropping numbers around it at the time show its directly a player population issue.

an anecdote, and evidence are 2 entirely separate entities.

anecdotal is the type of evidence. it is not an anecdote as you are using however.

as ive said, you don’t understand the word.

you can not use the word “anecdote” in the context you are trying.

you have to use anecdotal evidnce because evidence is the word you are referring to, anecdotal is the descriptor.

yes. yes indeed. you need to try again.

because evidence and anecdotes are 2 entirely different things.

show me any evidence of mass dps players wanting 222.

ill wait. because goats was not an issue on ladder.

All characters deal damage. You essentially just said nothing.

Okay, I understand what you’re saying… But that doesn’t mean 2/2/2 was initially designed just with OWL in mind. It’s just that people need time to adapt and naturally, role - queue was outsourced early to Blizzard’s previous OWL so that the pros can adapt to the extremely different playing environment


Okay, that’s fair enough actually and I apologize for any possible misunderstanding concerning this point.

But and unfortunately for you, the majority of the player base as I’ve already said really enjoys 2/2/2 role - lock and therefore it would mostly be a net loss if Blizzard just ignored all those people in order to give people like you what you want…

For better or for worse, that’s how businesses work, nobody is able to appease everyone and sometimes, sacrifices need to be made in order to appease the majority of your users/consumers. :frowning:

I’m sorry, but I never used it as an argument in the first place. Please consider it in the correct context, as that statement is my reply to what you said about many DPS not being able to enjoy the base Overwatch experience with 2/2/2 role - lock, which at the same time ignoring the fact that’s exactly what a lot of Tank/Support players (and DPS mains to) were feeling pre - 2/2/2 role - lock, but for a much longer amount of time and in an even worse degree…

Besides the fact that I never claimed, nor implied such a thing, who are you referring exactly with the word ““masses””??

Because logic tells us that since the ““mass”” of the player base though the game was fine back then as you’re suggesting, then when 2/2/2 role - lock hit they would had said that change is unnecessary and they would dislike it.

But the exact opposite happened after all.

Once again, no kind or amount of ““evidence”” that you’ve provided or that I’ve gone through on my own has been able to imply this player base drop that you’re suggesting.

That’s true actually sorry about that…

I guess the out - of - context uses of the word in places like these Forums have really gotten to me over time :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

I mean with how broken overpowered the tank is in 1-3-2 I would outright blame me if I was tanking and we lost to. It is just so much more impactful than every other role.

the pros literally said the 222 implementation was pushed because pros asked for it, threatening to quit if goats wasn’t fixed.

lol no. it will be a net loss when their dps players continue to leave because of insane que times.

you literally did. “we didn’t enjoy the vanilla experience”

you claim you never made that argument, and then make the argument

you literally just did it.

“dps players were not able to enjoy 222, which is exactly how tanks and supports felt pre 222”

you weren’t enjoying overwatch. there is literally no other way to interpret or push that statement.

Look, I’m not going to keep dancing around this point and I’m really baffled how you can still not understand the distinction between something being designed mainly around something from the ground up and it first being implemented into it.

So let’s leave this, please.

In the same way they’ve supposedly been ““leaving”” for the past few months due to 2/2/2 role - lock’s implementation…

Yeah… Please spare me with those jokes

But the vanilla experience wasn’t LFG pre - 2/2/2 role - lock.


What kind of argument?? What’s the purpose of the quote you’ve included there?? What are you even saying??

So, the word ““Overwatch”” means a chaotic and unbalanced mess filled with 4+ DPS comps in your book??

Yeah… That’s doesn’t really seem like the Overwatch I and so many tons of people fell in love with so many years ago…

People need to stop taking an entire group of players and generalizing them to the point where the moment one thing happens that you don’t like, you scream “iTs ThE DpS PlAyERs” like stop it.
You’re making something personal when it really doesn’t have to be.

At the sacrifice of upsetting two other communities within the game?

They shouldn’t have to rework the heroes just to fix queue times, don’t you realise how ridiculous that is??

about as ridiculous as forcing everyone to play a certain team comp because supports and tanks deem it the only acceptable one.

“the other 2 communities” don’t make over 50% of the playerbase like dps do.

which is foolish and which you’re only saying because you’re in the majority. had tanks received the dev bias, and had they been the majority, you would not be making the same argument. marginalising people not in the majority is foolish.

but we ARE the ones being forced to change our ENTIRE play style, be forced to push the off tank role out out of the game. we are the one forced to solo tank, forced to only get small buffs despite having no other tank and more damage, the ones having more pressure put on us, the ones forced to play whatever our team wants, which will usually be reinhardt. WE are the ones who have to adjust, because YOU are too impatient.

WE are the ones who have to adapt to these harsh changes and WE are the ones who have to go under the biggest impact in 3-2-1. we are the ones who main heroes that, besides the shields, will become ultimately worse.

we are the ones who have to be negatively affected by 3-2-1, and being forced to go solo because you cannot switch off the DPS.

sure, we have short queues, but i would take the longest queues in the world if my class was treated with even a tenth of the biased treatment the DPS got. tank is not fun to play, it’s a burden. i would take the long queue times, if my character was as fun and engaging as the DPS are. i would take the queue times if 90% of my role and the role of healers wasn’t nerfed the second they became meta.

3-2-1 creates a giant problem for tanks and only helps out the DPS when the devs are obviously already biased in their favour.

the queue times mean nothing, and they don’t mean you should have every whim of yours listened to, although to be fair, dps already do.

you might have long queue times, but you aren’t so negatively affected by a change. you are the ones being favoured by the devs. you are the one whose role is fun because you don’t get nerfed (unless you’re sombra or sym).

so don’t even talk about queue times, and you have no right to say you don’t care about how much this affects the tanks because “wE doNt eXpEriEnce quEue Times”.

because tanks have it worse than dps. queue times can be simply solved by yknow, playing something different or waiting.

but having your role being repeatedly nerfed, having your entire play style changed because people can’t wait- that’s hard to solve. that’s a problem.

i am certain that if the dps had it as bad as the tanks did, you’d be complaining. you are not entitled to changes because you are in the majority and because you have to wait a few more minutes.

it is because you are in the majority that you have to wait a little while longer. the devs already bend to your every whim, so- having long queue time shouldnt be a problem. you aren’t entitled for the devs to only make changes that benefit your role.

you aren’t entitled to marginalise supports and tanks and the bigger problems they face.

you aren’t entitled to 3-2-1, and you aren’t
entitled to shorter queue. why don’t you think about how negatively the changes will affect the other roles? why don’t you think about the larger problems other roles face other than “queue times”? this statement is entitlement at its finest.

this rarely ever happens. yes, it’s ridiculous but it’s not a regular thing for queues to be 50 minutes long.

yes, i agree! they’re both structured. let’s do zero dps, make every match GOATS. it’s structured, and it should be good too! oh that’s right; it pushes dps out!

just like 1-3-2 makes life worse for tanks? 2-2-2, with its problems, is still fair for everyone.

It’s so weird that these forums are so hung up on these strange video game identity politics. “Tanks vs dps!”
The game added role queue to make things better for support and tank players and when that affected dps, they attempted a new role queue to help them. As far as I can tell it didnt work and they’re not implementing it, but sure throw a fit anyway.

no its not.

if you run a restaurant and youre deciding between adding chicken or steak to the menu and 25% of your costumers say chicken and 75% of them say steak what are you going to add? exactly.

same here. if the overwhelming majority of the playerbase is being plagued with que times, and they like the solution tried out, you please your majority playerbase.

kinda like dps were when 222 was implemented?

like I said. booo. hooo.

and we had to get 222 forced on us because YOU were too impatient to use lfg.

cry me a river.

you must have never played in a high rank then.

its quite common in masters and above.

like wise you were never entitled to 222. so now that we know this, with 132 being a solution to que times, and the more popular comp it should be pushed.

no: not like dps. EVERY ROLE was lowered to equal amounts. every role was limited to two. it was EQUAL. 1-3-2 does not seem very even to me, and seems like the DPS are just getting what they want.

i didn’t even WANT 2-2-2, but i sure as hell don’t even want the WORSE 1-3-2.

ah yes; the comp that benefits the dps only is the more popular comp. obviously.

this game should not be only about making dps players happy.

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no it wasn’t. every role has not suffered like dps have with insane que times and metas that make 90% of the dps role unusable.

every role has not been made irrelevant like dps have.

it is nowhere near equal.

tanks and supports have pickrates of 15% and winrates of 55% and don’t receive nerfs while hanzo got nerfed twice with a pickrate of 8% and a winrate of 51% in gm.

nobody deals with what dps do.

it should do something to help dps however.

222 screwed us. now its time for 132 to make up for it.

i’m not even going to bother to reply in depth to this one because if you think that the DPS are the ones who have suffered, you’re truly delusional.

2-2-2 did not screw you. youd rather have goats then?

2-2-2 balanced the roles equally. how do i know? because 2 = 2. it didn’t make any role have to go solo. 2-2-2 stopped 6 dps comps. it has its flaws, but if you think tanks and supports should suffer simply because you don’t like 2-2-2 and you don’t like it when games don’t have 6 dps, i have nothing else to say.