You have been reported /log

So I’m seeing this more and more lately. While I get it, it’s the “rick roll” of Overwatch, I hate when it’s used in competitive play to make a member of the other team disconnect and then, I guess they are suspended so they can’t come back in.
I’ve already seen it twice today and a few times yesterday. It’s getting to the point it’s actually harming competitive play.
I don’t like reporting people, but is this something that can/should be reported?

EDIT: Again, happening this morning! I got a screenshot this time.

[SYSTEM] You have been reported in a recent Competitive Play match. To view your report log, type “/log” into chat and press [ENTER].

Usually someone is stupid enough to do it (it causes Overwatch to close on a PC which means they are suspended and can’t come back to the competitive match) and then that team (usually the opposing team) is short one or more players for the match.


Can you explain what you are talking about? I play on console so idk what you mean

it doesnt happen for you then. people troll others into basically clicking alt f4


And it’s affecting competitive play.

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i had it today too, and tried to type it in, it tries to get you to /logout. i deleted the “out” and just had “/log” and it did nothing.

The game should just ban anyone that types:

[SYSTEM] You have been reported in a recent Competitive Play match. To view your report log, type “/log” into chat and press [ENTER].

in too all chat. They are clearly trolls.


i think they could just remove the /log or logout command to avoid this issue…recently fell for this trap never even seen it before…threw me off…i think it should be a bannable offense by far as it tries to act like a system message/moderator action which is against blizzard TOS


This is messed up. If blizzard can troll people that say gg ez then they should do something about this.

How did you even find this topic to necro after 7 months?


searched log out reported

Cool will try this out later, thanks :smiley:


If theres a dot in front of the message, its a player.

That was added like a year ago…

You get a message to say you have been reported?

Is that just a pc thing?

Hopefully this’ll be more informative.

Use this:

Any system messages will have no identifying username and will appear in yellow or red. Critical messages may appear in red text with a white background. These other colors indicate a message from another player depending on the lobby or game mode:

  • White = General Chat (while in the main menus)
  • Orange = Match Chat
  • Blue = Team Chat
  • Green = Group Chat
  • Purple = Friends Whisper

Quote from: Chat from user named SYSTEM - #2 by Kaedi-11739 (By WyomingMyst)

(Though please do refrain from Necro’ing old threads. Thread will most likely be locked now)

Don’t “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

Quote from: Welcome to General Discussion - Please Read! (By Josh Engen)

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someone was tricked into doing this in my match today. i reported them. it appears they change their btag in order to have this message

That’s actually kind of cleaver. Suggesting a log-viewer when it’s a log-out command. I can see people falling for it.

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I kinda feel bad but one time, someone left the match because I typed:

The server closed due to an unexpected error.


ughhhh I hate this, I backfilled into a qp game and fell for it like and idiot :person_facepalming:

They had been doing it to anyone who reenters I guess cause people kept leaving?

they really should just remove the command. Who actually uses /log outside of world of warcraft. When i close OW its almost always the menu option, as i imagine most people do.

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4 years, and its still not fixed, i got tricked and log out during my game, remove the command, damn it

I found this in my chat today. I thought I got reported by the other team because they were salty they lost (no other reason made sense) so I retaliated by reporting their Mei. Seemed legit to me lol