You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

It’s not playable content that was removed from the game.

It was content that wasn’t finished and was canceled behind the scenes.

They didn’t DELETE anything, they stopped developing it. It was not in a release ready state and wouldn’t be for years.

And they decided the PVP game was more important than spending more time on the PVE stuff. Which considering the people that original made those plans left mid development I really cant blame them.

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You’re clearly biased towards Blizzard where whatever they do can be of no wrong. People feel like they took this game and turned it into a poorly managed absolute cash grab. Every thing in this game has become hyper monetized. Content was removed from the first game. Extremely questionable reasons why they had to go with 5 v 5. The list goes on and on. You blaming TF2 players or Chinese politics for the bad reviews and completely stanning for Blizzard against every LEGIT criticism current (and past) players have, is just plain bizarre.

They had a good game, but no, it wasn’t squeezed and monetized like a mobile game, nickel and diming it’s players, so it had to go. To players, me included, OW2 feels like a patch to just include an e-shop and put the Battlepass in the forefront. Nothing more.


I mean- buddy because it wasn’t finished current mean it wasn’t “deleted”.

How often are “deleted scenes” from a movie unfinished?

Nope, their is a lot wrong. A lot that is simply lot stuff behind the scenes that fell apart.

I also do criticize such practices, or the normal game of bit of balance and design issue that crop up. I have several posts pushing against the recent changes to Mei/Sym and just teh concept of LW pull in general.

I and I can respect decent and well thought out criticism.

However that’s not remotely what’s going on here.

Alot of it has nothing to do with the game, more so the canceled content that’s simply would have taken a few more years to develop regardless.

And factors outside of blizz such as China’s weird business practices, and the whole war between russia and ukrain that has locked access of the game to about a third of the world.

(The china bit is yes partially an issue on blizzes end, but that might have been do to miss communication or blizz not wanting to make drastic changes to their games to deal with the Chinese policies)

The game is still alive and well, just no longer doing the whole PVE separate full game thing.

Which is to be expected when you have a large pool of current/former players who are unhappy with the game’s state. I was tempted to submit a negative steam review for it when it came out, and I haven’t played the darn game since 2021.

They’re not new players. They’re veteran players who are reviewing the game on a new platform, trying to dissuade new players from picking it up because from their (and my) opinion, the game isn’t worth their time. The review you just shared is just evidence to that.

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Game that sucks gets bad reviews



This. This right here. All of this.

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Well what their typing has little to do with the game’s current balance, capabilities, performance yada yada.

It’s all “I thought it was ****”, “They took OW1 away from me” (Even tho OW2 is the same game new format), Literally people making meme faces or cake recipes.

so on and so forth, like it took forever digging into the reviews to find an actual detailed complaint and that was the “They took away OW1” comment.

And those vets had a hundred and one ways to leave a nasty review well before it’s steam release.

Meta critic and other sites like that let you do that very thing. Let alone platforms like youtube and twitter.

Why are you so determined to cast a shadow on this game?

I’ve seen your comments for months and they’re always negative. What do you get out of it?

Dude this thread is up to 168 responses. Are you trying to be as obtuse as you can on purpose or do you clearly not understand what is going on?

The game released on Steam. Steam is the premier place to download games. Long time players are leaving their reviews on this game to express their displeasure with the way the game has been handled over the years and ALSO to dissuade new players rewarding them for their god awful practices, by sinking time into it and giving Blizzard more money. People are not going to outside, 3rd party websites to scroll through reviews, because you are not downloading the game from there. Metacritic, Youtube, and etc do not offer the game and are not a gaming service.

The point is for someone to look up Overwatch on the service to DOWNLOAD IT and see the “OVERWHELMINGLY Negative Review” slapped on and hopefully move on and find something else, or at very least, see WHY and move on and find something else.

What do you refuse to understand??? We’ve explained it to you multiple times and you just want to keep concocting these things in your head “no, it must be something else.” NO, IT’S NOT.


Hate to break it to you, but this has backfired horribly. And normally does.

This points the game in the headlines.

People come to check out what’s going on.

And considering that it’s Free, just pop in.

Then guess what! They find out it’s actually a decent game game.

Like seriously theirs more people on the playing OW on steam alone. Then their is playing paladins.

Also doesn’t help that other free to play games, have overpriced skins, and locks hereos behind pay/grind walls.

Like OW2 isn’t a bad game.

Other free to play games didn’t start as full retail game and have the care that Overwatch did until Activision decided to turn it into a full predatory e-shop while running off all their major name talent.

I’ve been playing OW1 since launch day and this “update” of OW2 is a disgusting cash grab. Same as horse armor was and EA giving you a 2kb “DLC” to unlock content already on the disc. People are pissed off and rightly so. Figure it out.

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Hate to break it to you, their is this little game called Tf2 you might have heard of it. That did that very same thing. And has some pretty nasty loot boxes and overpriced stores.

Secondly, if you really only care about gameplay stuff…

Well you really don’t have to pay a dime, and most players don’t. That’s fine. most people popped their 60 ~ 40$ like six years ago, and keep all their progress and are given easy access to all the old skins.

The story missions are like 5$ if your planning on getting the battle pass. Be it I will agree that it should have a separate price tag then the bundle.

No not exactly those are locking actual game play items and features behind a paywall.

Ow has the option to pay for PVP content, but the grind is like three days for a new hero if your commited to the game.

And the game goes out of it’s way to give you events that will boost you like 30 levels or so for completing such.

My comments are not only negative.

I post a lot of useful balance suggestions and I also like to criticize the game because there are more than enough reasons to do so - I want the game to get better actually, I don’t hate it.

I haven’t played this game for months because my main Roadhog got trashed, but since I really enjoyed the gameplay of this game I’m still lurking here and hope he will be in a better position so I can play again.

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Played TF2 since launch day as well. To even compare the 2 are ludicrous. I’m done with this conversation because you’re reaching now. No matter what any one says or explains to you, you’re gonna have a “butwhatabout” response.

We’ve explained it to you, black and white, clear as crystal. Whether you want to accept the reality of the situation or just keep with the mental gymnastics, that’s up to you at the end of the night. We’re done now.


And a blizz employee is 1v5 trying to defend blizz

But that would require self-reflection and honesty and we can’t have that.

“Could I be out of touch, no it is the children who are wrong”

Explain to me what Tf2 did that was different.

It was a payed game, that went F2P.

That originally gave out free cosmetics at random / for rewards, then put them behind a microtransactions paywall.

That to buy directly will cost you an arm and a leg. As some items will go up to hundreds of dollars.

And when their PVE came out, there was an added paywall tide to rewards.

That you can either grind out or pay for weapons.

Like if just compare the games their really isn’t that much different in how they handled their transition to F2P.

Be it regardless. Nearly all of OW2 problems at the moment are behind the scenes stuff.

With the one major in game complaint being easily handled by some better currency payouts.

Like really now OW2 is far from being a bad game.

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If you serve someone a meal, and they think it tastes awful, they’re going to tell you that they think it tastes awful and leave it at that, especially if said meal is a downgrade from a meal you served them before that they liked perfectly fine. Comparatively few people are going to give you a dissertation as to why said meal was awful, and why should they? Why should they put the effort into elaborating as to why the meal was awful when it’s already obvious, and elaborating on the meal would take more effort than the cooks put into making it in the first place?

It ain’t about the vets venting. It’s about what I said before:

Are you sure about that?

At the day of its launch on the platform (August 10th), OW2 had 40.1k peak active players on Steam.
The next day, it had 75.6k.
The next day… 71.4k.
The next day… 67.5k.
The next day… 61.9k.

You can see the trend. Every day since day 2, OW2’s Steam player counts have fallen, and these aren’t insignificant drops either. Yesterday it was down to 46.3k players, and today we’re on track to be as low as 43.3k players. At this rate of attrition, we can expect OW2’s steam numbers to be half of its peak in a few days; just 2 weeks after launch.

That suggests two things. First, it means a very high turnover rate within the OW Steam playerbase. Second, it means very few new players are picking up the game on Steam to replace the players who are leaving.

So, assuming the negative reviews are indeed to blame for these trends… I’d wager that not only were the vets incredibly effective in achieving what they set out to do, but also that this was perhaps the most effective community effort to hit back at the OW team where it hurts (their wallet) in the entirety of OW history.


Well you know, if the reviews were actually talking about the game sure.

but nearly all the comlaints can be filled into:

Store changes

thinking they took OW1 away from (Ow2 is the same game with a format change)

and that they can’t play it in china or russia.

these “Reviews” have little to do with the actual game play or quality of the food.

Their complaing that the how the food is presented has been changed.

And that their chains in china and Russia were shut down to do their government being weird about games, and going into active war.

Like find me an actual review regarding the quality of the game it’s self, then find me the thousands of such that are actual issues with the game it’s self.

OW isn’t a bad game, far from it.

Yep this is normal for seasonal multiplayer games, that and well theirs a chunk of battle net users that are seeing if they want to swap platforms.

it will stabilize at some point. Then jump up again when the next wave of content arrives.

Nothing new.