You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

“You guys know it’s not a review bomb, right?”

So you think Overwatch 2 is the worst game on the entire steam platform? the very bottom?

its not even close.

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So you can’t read the original post?

No, I don’t think OW2 is the worst game on the entirety of steam.

I think it’s merely the game which has the most people with a negative view of the game.

No other game has a history like OW’s.

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Couple does have similar stories, but at least in one case, developers did make a comeback.

I don’t think OW is the worst game on Steam. I think it’s the game that disappointed most players.

So where on Battlenet can you review products? I would download OW, play it, and uninstall it off Steam just so I can leave it a rating for people to see.

Blizzard opened itself up to a platform where people can actually leave their feedback and people are doing so. They can’t hide behind fake numbers and stats on Steam. People who have been frustrated for the past few years are leaving their reviews. “Review bomb” means it’s a bad faith coordinated attack. This is mountains of pissed off players speaking their minds now they finally have a place to do for the public to see.


You have a hundred and one sites you can go to and leave a review for a game, let alone make a video on youtube/instagram/ticktock an any other bit of social media.

You have always had ways to review a game. Steam is far from your only option.

Doubly considering that you don’t have to install the game to do so.

Steam is the premier platform for PC gaming. It has the most eyes.

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For playing games, most people don’t exactly come here for the reviews now.

Doubly so when like the steam OW player base on steam alone is like 70,000 to 50,000 thousand players.

For a game that already is released on PC that’s actually quite a lot.

Also keep in mind the game is banned in russia and china at the moment, and lot of reviews from accross the board on both steam and metacritic is coming from them. As their just mad they can’t play the game any more, and the latter more or less had their accounts banned.

Let alone the Tf2 playerbase that’s just mad that they have competition that is getting updates and has a larger player base.

This has NOTHING to do with TF2. It’s the premier platform for PC gaming, so when people click the game, they see the overwhelming negative reviews. Do I really need to sum up the last few years to explain why?

The mental gymnastics are incredible here.

Chinese people can play again since it’s on steam.

Ya this has a lot to do with TF2, a good chunk of the community is salty about the state of their game. But that’s not were the majority of the issue lies here.

the largest factor is that like a third of the world got banned from the game, And theirs just a lot of angry players because of it.

And again, most people dont go their for reviews.

If you type a game name/review your going to be sent to something like metacritic or Pc gamer. Or something like the Kotaku article about how blizz resonded to the whole review bombing situation.

Also you will see a consistent theme of a large amount of negative reviews coming out of China or Russia in every setting you look at.

Also reviews from new users tend to lean very possitive. Like Dino Katana here on google reviews.

This is my first Overwatch expereince. I don’t understand why reviews are so bad as game is fun and gameplay is smooth. Also, it’s free and if you have skill you will do fine, meaning that I cannot see any PTW elements so far. I have a feeling that most competitive games are reviewed badly because of the kids who are noobs are are loosing their games because they are not completing tutorials and perfecting one hero at a time.

And what’s the issue with that? I always see this argument coming up, but what does it change? Are these people not allowed to write a genuine negative review? Is it not worth the write a negative review if you can’t play the game? All your progress lost?

no that’s fine to leave you opinion on that matter.

it’s just skews perceptions a considerably bit, as their not reviews on the games quality. More so a bulk of people venting frustrations that they can’t play the game anymore.

Which is more or less the issue at hand here, this is very much a review bombing. And not

As most of the complaints are for features that are not in the game that got cancled (skill tree’s and the likes), or not having access to the game.

more so than an actual reflection on the games quality.

It’s basically the same when people leave a negative review if it keeps crashing on their PC or won’t start at all.

Sometimes it’s the users config, sure, but it also happens that the devs simply did a bad job.

And in this case here, Blizzard did a bad job as well, since those gamers are screwed, so they let Blizzard know with a review.

This is totally legit.

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Ah no this is nothing like that, as that would be an issue regarding the games quality. As that would fall under a performance issue.

Not a “My government is horrible, and because of that I’m not allowed to play the game” issue.

This doesn’t have much to do with blizz, as much it is bobby’s bad management and the political environment of Russia going full world war three over a peice of land that doesn’t belong to them. That just China cracking down hard on games as a whole.

And nothing to do with how the game plays or the quality of content actually in such.

It wasn’t the chinese government, Blizzard screwed them.

I’m talking about China.

Yes the chinese government also has very strict laws regarding video games.

that not only needs a several month long review process to even get into the country, but That can also deny your work at any point of time. For very arbitrary reasons. You need to work with a Chinese company to run the game in the country to even release the game in question their.

this is very much a china issue. Be it Bobby and other members of managements are also to blame.

Like keep in mind Blizzz isn’t a person now.

The hundred of people actively making the game, have nothing to do with how the hire ups wheel and deal now.

Nor does the games quality for that matter.

And again these arn’t reviews as much as they are just venting frustrations regarding the game not being available in those countries. (At least in the case of russian/chinese players.)

Yeah, probably both sides are responsible for that, which makes the negative reviews still legit, it’s not a review bomb.

This is a very good reason to leave a negative review, along with the 1000 other reasons one could have to do so. There are a lot of things to criticize in this game.

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And again no these are not reviews. As it has nothing to do with the quality of the game.

Imagine GTA having like 5% of Australia population leaving a bad review, because their government has banned stores from stocking it.

Your allowed to vent, but these are not reviews.

Nor is it stopping people from picking OW up.

If there is, they’re not talking about it.

most of the reviews are complaining about canceled content, and having it banned because of their countries political state.

That and mass amount of " I thought it was ****" comments. That are just memeing.

It’s also Blizzards fault, don’t forget that. They are also responsible for that disaster.
And with the deleted content, the WHOLE REASON OW2 was MADE was the now DELETED PvE content - that’s what BLIZZARD told us why OW2 is coming.

And they lied to us - for many many months and people absolutely have the right to write a negative review because of it.