You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

It’s the most obvious review bomb in recent history. Trying to paint it as valid criticism is laughable.

And what little valid criticism there is, is now lost in a seas of trolling meme posts. So no one is gonna read the valid ones.

It just devalues user reviews, thats it. If you left a valid review with well thought out criticism, you shouldnt be happy about the review bomb cus now your review is lost in a sea of R34 jokes lol.

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The negative reviews are legitimate.

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Time to support Baldurs gate 3 :moyai::moyai:

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But the majority of the reviews are not active ow players. :confused:

Some of them. But there are way too many non-legitimate reviews which is what makes it a review bomb. Every objective source confirms it’s a review bomb, only the biased determined to paint a bad picture claim otherwise

So? Should a movie critic delete every review they have of a movie they aren’t actively watching?

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If you didn’t watch the movie don’t review it.


But if you watched it, formed an opinion of it, then stopped watching the movie after getting a full perspective of it, you can review it.

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So we both know theres a big difference from movies and videogames.

This game has changed alot from the ppl who played ow1 and if they are reviewing the game as it is currently then that is bad faith.

Watching the original War of the Worlds movie in 1953 and making a review about it doesn’t mean it should carry over to the 2005 remake

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Even the devs now :stuck_out_tongue:

“We also launched on Steam last week, and, although being review-bombed isn’t a fun experience,”


Yes, because Aaron is going to say, “Oh, our game sucks. Steam really opened our eyes.”

No. Just like the “ddos” attack, blame something external to place blame somewhere else. Come on, man.

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Um, in the next paragraph, he does acknowledge the legit reviews complaining about cancelled PvE. So…

And I didn’t realize you think they made up that ddos attack?? ROFL

So everyone should just totally forget all prior experience with OW because they reworked a few heroes and rebalanced the tanks?

Yeahhh that seems optimistic to me.

Well, should ow2 be reviewed as an independent game or as an sequel.
Even tho it may not be as good as the previous one can it stand on its own?

We do this all the time with plenty of things.
Is terminator 1 a bad movie, is it a bad movie compared to terminator 2.
With ow it gets bit trickier since you cannot even compare the two side by side now and have to rely on your memory.


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Terminator 2 is 100% not terminator 1, whilst OW2 is like 90% OW1.

Reviews would be better if they also reviewed the additional stuff and were 100% up to date, but as to whether or not they should review, I suppose that’s a decision best left to the reviewer.

Oh yes because the thousands of i thought it was **** hold great levels of criticism now.

Let alone the fact that a lot of these reviews are also coming from china, where they no longer have access to the game.

The positive reviews aren’t positive either lol, a large size of them are just trolling posts for the positive ones.


Don’t talk to yourself like that :frowning: