You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

If 4 paragraphs it TLDR for you, then there is no hope.

Even the shills begin to suck their teeth when saying it was a good change for a, b, or c for OW2. A ton of the reviews are just, there is some bombing. They ASCII images and one liners are not helpful. If I had the patients I would sort it myself, because I still think it will have a not positive review.

I definitely think that’s a backwards way to view it. Jeff wanted the game to follow a dead monetisation model and focus on co-op, and left an otherwise popular PvP shooter to die as a result. Sure it sucks that the game is now following a half-baked and greedy attempt at following an actual monetisation model, but it seems it was Jeff that caused it to be so underdeveloped.

That, and, if you ask around on any non-OW forum as to the point they abandoned OW, you’ll hear “Brig/Goats” or “Double barrier”. Bad hero design was 100% a massive deal for the loss of positive sentiment the game had.

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Double Barrier in particular was so bad that 5v5 had to be introduced (at least in part) to clean up Jeff & Geoff’s mess.

There’s no point defending the game, it’s bad. Stop making these posts everyday.

But since you like reading I’ll brighten up your day and maybe some blizzard staff sees this and puts the mtx skin art pencil down and instead focuses on fixing these issues. These are all cons btw.
-mtx driven bp and seasons.
-lootboxes are gone
-new heroes locked behind paywall (sucks for new players).
-5v5 is dogwater
-we got only scraps from the long in development pve (4 years btw).
-guess what paywalled pve missions.
-the very small pve we got is set in already existing maps.
-there’s no crucial hotfixes whatsoever for the actual game, only ingame shop is getting content you and everybody knows this is true.
-hackers and botters run rampant, this game doesn’t have functioning anticheat system. the system is players who report and then the case goes to automated blizzards banhammer bot. game going free to play made this even worse, if you can’t recognize cheaters or botters go see a optician.
-matchmaking is horrible.
-multiple broken promises.
…and the list keeps just going on

Steam reviews are actually good don’t judge em, I found this art by reading the reviews.
+people who work with ow2 adult entertainment should get their salaries raised, job well done.

If it wasn’t a review bomb there wouldn’t be so many ppl trying to convince the rest of us its not. :man_facepalming:t6::man_facepalming:t6:

I will say this, normally for something to be called a review bomb it has to be a coordinated effort… and man, if that was coordinated I’m almost impressed. :exploding_head:

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Compare Baldur’s Gate 3 to Overwatch 1 and 2, Diablo 4.

Now look what Larian offers to players with Baldur’s Gate 3.

Now look at the player reviews for those games.

Monetisation was just fine. Blizzard still made a lot of profil with OW1 (despite no content for 3 years straight).

You can’t hardcore monetize a P2P PVP game released in 2016 as a brand-new F2P Overwatch game when it’s not.

Valorant, Fortnite and Apex can get away with it 'cause they were never P2P games in the first place and they were a brand-new franchise when released, that’s not the case for Overwatch.

The only way to excuse and tolerate this aggressive F2P Overwatch monetization is if Overwatch 2 was a brand-new game (PVP or PVE) but unforunetely it’s neither of those.

The PVP side of F2P Overwatch consists of 90% of OW1 content and the PVE content is only 3 missions that are pretty short without the talent tree promised and yet they think they can charge 20 dollars for skins that are less qualitative than the ones we had when the game was P2P…

Maybe if “OW2” had 1/3 of OW1’s content Day One (19 heroes in 2016), maybe it could somehow excuse some of the price tags but once again, we only got 3 new heroes after 3 years of nothing and a PVP game mode meant for 6v6 (and ready since Blizzcon 2019) that is quite unpopular in a 5v5 setup.

Nah, that’s just what some anti-Jeff Overwatch members of the community (that praise current F2P Overwatch) state. What’s more likely is Blizzard being jealous of all the profit popular F2P games make and them wanting to do as such without even working on a real Overwatch sequel (they had 3 years to do so… but well, with Covid and lawsuits, they failed to deliver).

All my friends left Overwatch because of Role Queue in 2019. Others left because of the 3-year content drought. Overwatch was pretty fun to play between 2016-2019.

More like the buff and nerf fiesta streamers and pro players enforced through complaints, and rallying their followers to spread biased ideas. Very few reworks were popular, that’s also what drove a lot of players away 'cause they couldn’t fathom the idea of spending crazy hours on learning a hero with the risk of them getting completely wrecked because some streamers stans decided so, by daily spamming the forums against a specific hero (just look at what they’ve done to Roadhog, Symmetra, Widowmaker, Sombra, etc…).

I can’t blame those players though.

Those positive reviews are sus. I hope Steam will remove them.

Considering how frustrating OW can be, (99%) almost every single-player game on Steam is less frustrating. Even souls-like games.

User-Review in MetaCritic is 14% positive (86% negative). It’s like this since day1 (October 2022)
Critic reviews mean nothing. If they were to give an honest review, their Papas wouldn’t give them free products/money anymore.

Just play the game. This is a competitive game, but the competitive matchmaking is a disaster. Gold and GMs players matched in the same lobby.

Almost all the losses I had this week were for the same reason: 1 or 2 players of my team were new players with almost 0/0/15 as score. (strangely, there were no leavers at all mid-match)
Stomp vs Getting stomped quality of matches.

Why is this forum so unbelievably stupid?

Fortnite PVE costs money just like OW PVE does. Imagine - products costing money.

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The difference is one is actually worth the money you paid for it.

While I know there’s a lot of people making fanart/TF2 jokes in their reviews, there are still plenty of actual reviews in there too. I think a lot of it is just the Steam reviews being the first good place to leave a review since the update happened, so it’s 8 months of pent-up dissatisfaction finally being given an outlet.

TF2 just had a 14 map update and a new game mode like two weeks ago.

This game has been out for 7 years. You think OW community that is majority pc based gamers can’t have steam and Am I an anomaly or perhPs you have both as well?

If your point is rhat new players dont hate it, maybe youre right? But your numbers confirm thats a negligible minority to the amount of people who know and hate this game

i should’ve clarified the pvp gameplay. And it’s almost as if the problem isn’t paying, but the ludicrous price they put and the disrespect for the customer.

and fortnite pve is actually much bigger than ow2’s pve and it’s a SIDE mode (well, it is now, it used to be the main thing). overwatch 2 has us pay for literal scraps of what the game was meant to be.

people who bought fortnite way back when are still getting a crapton of premium currency just for loggin in. What do ow1 player have?

A clown skin

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oh christ not this bs again. “oh lordy lord the poor multibillion company needs the moolah, you don’t understand” you think this because they convinced you it’s the only way to do it.
meanwhile games don’t need this aggressive monetization to stand up, it’s just greed that idiots think is necessary.

tf2 is still standing 15 years later, got a big update recently and is nowhere near as aggressively monetized as ow2.
if the game is good people will play, what blizzard does is milking the cow dry before jumping ship.

you are a defeated person if you accept the game you paid for being taken away and thinking “well, they HAD to do it”
no they didn’t


yeah but critics is like the most semi-biased thing you will ever find, even the worst games will rarely go below like 80 or 70 rating

yep exactly this

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I said so many times, and I will use the opportunity to repeat it again. Bad games get bad reviews.


You really need to look into the twenty different ways paladins tries to get at your wallet. Because for the longest time they just kept adding new monetization methods, and or randomly stop supporting such.

like non-earnable lootboxes, battlepases, limited time events, cosmetics locked behind physical events. multiple currency’s Let alone what I already mentioned.

Like it’s just as bad and worst off in some cases.

With attempting to buy skins directly in the few cases they let you being nearly just as expensive or as so as OW.

At one point they tried locking character modifiers behind lootboxes.

OW isn’t remotely a bad game dude. Most of what people are angry at are factors outside of the game, and what was canceled more so then the quality of things actually in the game.